You are right, I noticed the up voting patterns were suspect as well. Basically as stated above, just a dick exercising his own agenda irrespective of post quality.
Apparently an informative post about people farming the rewards pool hurt someones delicate sensibilities and they downvoted/flagged based on that, and not a legitimate reason.
Fairly typical for those that can't attack their actual target due to a lack of SP to go after lesser members that may have posted an opinion potentially pro someone they don't like.
Basically a sad move, reflective of self loathing, and self hatred by a person whom as a child was likely molested by the family dog.
Is what it is..
I do wish he would of had the testicular fortitude to comment or at least provide his reasoning.
Either way I'm happy for the exposure so its a win. I also suspect that it will eventually go positive at some point, if grumpy or someone counterstrikes the downvote with an upvote. I don't care if it gets the post up to .01.. as that will get rid of the need to click the extra tab to see the content. I do wish some more folks would upvote it though. 450 views and 43 upvotes, we can do better... :)... Thank you for your comment..
Alphabet has hired people full time to read and study steemit, Im done being genuine here. What is the point to better inform our future slavemasters?
As for grump Im pretty sure his reasoning is similar to mine,
Im here because I need money,
Vote buying is marketing and everyone who is selling something needs marketing.
You get what you buy for votes and using it has shown me that more people are attracted to the dollar value of a post than anything that is being said inside.
Ive been doing it for two weeks now after 17 months of acting just like you suggest I can now say I may one day decades from now have a chance to actually compete here.
Steemit is nothing more than a marketing research tool now,
You sell a character that may or may not be you and none is the wiser,
This place is getting to me, Im done with interacting here unless necessary like everyone else who is here just for the money,
Unlike grumpy,
Im feeling hopeless.