Your question is "why the fuck do I care?" Is that your question?
Well as you took the time to actually create some original thought and write an actual comment I feel it deserves a response. So here you go..
I will tell you why I care.. I care because I am not a short sighted self centered self serving fuck that only cares about the money they can skim and carry off site to bittrex or poliniex.
I care because Bad Actors like you hurt the community, hurt the platform and most annoying make it more difficult for people that actually do put in the work to get noticed. You create spam, you clog up and dilute the platform with your bullshit and make others that are actually trying not want to be here.
Your shitty, self centered brand of fuckery turns other people off when they see bad actors like yourself abusing the site and profiting the easy and lazy way while they put in the work and are barely rewarded.
I care because I do create good content, I bust my ass, and I want to see this platform succeed.
I care because parasites like you do nothing to help the platform.
I care because your actions definitively prove that you only care about taking from the platform and not giving back to it.
FYI, nobody cares if you invested your money if the only purpose for doing so was to manipulate and abuse the platform. I don't care, I doubt @patrice cares, or anyone else that actually puts in the work. Your motives are very very very clear.. You only desire to profit at the expense of everyone else. You have no interest in the health of the platform, you have no remorse. You are only upset because you got caught and are likely to lose a few bucks that still won't surpass what you have likely already stolen from the platform by acting like a selfish fuck.
You want sympathy from us for your potential loss when you had none for the losses you causes others by diluting the platform or farming the pool; again indicative of a narcissistic self loving fuck.
Any other questions feel free to ask.. Also how did being rude to me work out for you?
Also you failed to answer my original question and instead chose to go on the offense; again indicative of no shame, no remorse and a desire to blame shift or position yourself as the victim.
So again:
I mean can you honestly explain your behavior below as anything else but self centered thievery and abuse of the site?
Okay i agree with you that i misused the platform and i am really sorry about it and i have learned my lesson its not about i took the easy way i have apologize for my mistakes and onwards i am trying to make things better and all and you can check i have also put all of my efforts in the posts that i have made. So please take this as an apology
Thinking...........nope still don't care.... you proved yourself to be a bad actor.. keep playing with me and I'll make you even more popular.. Dude it's simple you are a shit head... I do not care if you apologize.. If I steal your car and apologize does that make it ok? You showed your true colors and your intent.. It's that simple.. You showed a lack of morality and a desire to steal.. again simple.. You do not put a dog that killed a chicken back in the chicken coop just because it looks sad when you corrected it.. it's still a chicken killer... Same here, your still a post farming douche.. today, tomorrow, next week ect.. that does not change.. On that note... since you love me so much.. check minnowbooster abuse on discord.. I got you banned there as well.. good luck leasing SP or buying votes from them in the future.. and I doubt that ban will ever be lifted.. You stole, you got caught, suffer the consequences..
Just stop being mean man come on atleast give me sometime to make it up to steemit
Come on man stop doing that i have said that i am sorry about it and it wont happen if you do wanna check then you can have a check on me but please dont ban its a request.
A request? So your asking for favors now? Interesting.. Can you say "me, me, me".. Seriously... dude, just spend the next few "months" banging out good content that is original, inspiring and benefits the platform.. then come back and revisit the issue.. The fact that you "think" you need bots, or leased SP to succeed is a testament to your lazy half ass attitude.. I have never used a bot, never leased SP and I do just fine.. I have some delegated to me for free that I use to downvote members like yourself.. But minnowbooster, upme, buildawhale etc.. are not a pre requisite for success here;... hard work and dedication are all you need... Give those a try...
I am sorry man i have understand my mistake and it wont happen again i will give a try to them and i will change myself