Just like redbubble, this site will enable you to create your own profile and gallery to sell your Photographs and Artwork for STEEM instead of fiat.
Please upvote so we can fund this project. I have experience in webdesign and i have a team willing to work on this project if we get enough interest.
steembubble would like to showcase steemitphotochallenge images (if @jamtaylor and the photographers agree) and steemitartchallenge. And also a monthly or weekly gallery of 'the best of' photo's and artwork.
steembubble would also like to run a photography competition but this would be either monthly or quartely. We do not intend to compete with @jamtaylor as he does a fantastic job with his photochallenge.
@jamtaylor would love to hear your opinion, my email : [email protected] if you would like to get in touch.
This is just an example atm. I have purchased the domain name and have started bulding the site.
We can probably get it up-running and functional within the next 2 weeks if we get support.
Please let me know your opinions/critisism.
Interesting idea, it will be additional business for many photographers! Good Luck!
I think it is a great idea. Maybe you could integrate it with @blueorgy's Steemimg website that way people could have a one stop upload location for this?
That's a cool idea and a new way to earn some income for someone like me who is trying to get their hands on the beautiful art of photography :-)