This is a message from the Steem community to President Donald Trump.
Dear Mr. President.
Welcome to this blogpost about Steemit. It's gonna be a great post! It's gonna be absolutely fantastic. Believe me!
Steemit is a social media platform. It's the best social network in the world. It's true, everyone says so. We have the best community. It's the best community God ever created. You'll love it, it's great!
All the other social media failed! Facebook? Total disaster! Facebook is not censorship resistant. It's fake! It's a fake social network.
We know you use Twitter a lot. But apart from your amazing tweets Twitter is also fake. Believe me, it's true! It's not even running on a blockchain. And you can't say what you want because it lets you only use 140 characters. We don't have that! On Steemit you can post whatever you want. No censorship. How great is that? You'll love it!
America has the dollar and we respect that so we have the Steem Backed Dollar. We also launced a cryptocurrency called Steem. Nobody made a better currency then we did! It's truly great. Believe me, it's true. Totally amazing. Anyone who says anything else brings fake news. Period!
We also know how much you love walls. Guess what! We also have great, great walls. They're huge! Our investors are building great buy-walls by placing huge buy orders on exchanges. We build it, brick by brick. We love buy walls. And as the price of Steem rises we make the sellers pay for it. It's true, so true!
We totally understand it's going to be Bitcoin, eh, the US Dollar first, but can we just say "Steem second"? Is that okay?
Make Steem Great Again!
This is my response to the Netherlands Trump welcome video. For more of these great videos visit http://everysecondcounts.eu. They're great. You'll love it, believe me!
¯\___(ツ)____/¯ Don't miss out on my next post! Follow @penguinpablo
I'm still giggling! Thanks for the easy smile your provided in the end of day at work. do you think you'll have convinced him to join the platform now!?! ;)
Namaste :)
Where can I buy a hat?
Could we get someone to make a video and voice over this? Which Steemian sounds the most like him? :D
Would be awesome to have a community voting for best voiceover and video edit and then turn that video viral. :D
I read this entire thing using Donald Trump's voice in my head... it was fantastic, you'll love it!
Haha, great, absolutely great :)
Ahahahaha, this is amazing.
This is just amazing.
Thank you for this smile on my face. <3
Haha, thank you. I enjoyed writing it :)
This is perfectly done. Kudos! :D
You did the cadence perfectly!
This is great! Well done! :)
I could hear Trump's voice inside my head as I read.
This is so funny XD Well done!
Exactly ! 💃but I might have to mute him 🍼
That's Awesome.
That was AWESOME! :D hahah, we need mr. President to read this.
Amazing post, I had to laugh reading it and I can't remember the last time I read a post that made me laugh. Well done!
That was the BEST post ever -- THE BEST. BELIEVE ME!
Sharing this! So great!
There's a little typo though:
In Steemit we don't even care about typos much, trust me. But you can edit too so that people can understand better and even translate if they are Mexican.
In Steemit we also accept Mexicans, but you can deport them from your feed by muting them if you feel like they are getting too much attention.
Please come give us guidance here in Steemit Mr. President Trump, you'll love it. I promise you, believe me. Believe bigly!
Thank you, fixed it :)
Proof right here! Great response time! Terrific work! Fantastic!
No need to correct your grammar anymore. ChaaaaRElax

College Writing Center Declares American Grammar A ‘Racist,’ ‘Unjust Language Structure’
A lot of innocence is noticed, but at least there is hope - Se note mucha inocencia, pero esta bien al menos hay esperanza
whoa there!!! dumb it down a bit, he might get a bit confused and have someone else read it.
concordo plenamente em tudo que você escreveu neste artigo
Kudos! > Well done > So good you can beat your own drum!

This is beauty!
Inspiring stuff, thanks.
Too good not to resteem!
hahahah THIS IS HUGE!
Steem is best up and coming cryptocurrency and I mean BIG LEAGUE !!!
You said it so true @penguinpablo great post
'Believe me, it's true! '
Fantastic; Sooo funny! Thanks :)
It's simple... I'm going to get The Golden Don to drop Twitter and use SteemIt!