I tend to be with @ lukestokes that people should be able to use their power how they see fit, and it is up to the community to discourage such activities. That can even be seen as potentially using your flag to counter these self-comment voters as they are essentially intentionally draining the reward pool exclusively for themselves with little interest in fostering community growth.
Do you know that myself and @l0k1 are considering doing exactly that? His explanation here, my note on it here
I would advocate and EXPERIMENT where we temporarily removed the ability for people to up vote their own comments for awhile. See what happens.
💯% !!! 😎
I am glad to note the evolution in your thinking. Thanks for your honest consideration on this issue!
If you want to help me to better understand these issues, I'd very much appreciate your thoughts. I didn't mention you to drag you in, but you were mentioned, and you oughta be invited to respond to my post.
Will do