Great article @gmichelbkk, I appreciate you taking the time to show us where you got the info from and how you did the calcs.
Note also that some bots are compensating for the tumble in price plus the reduced SBD print rate recently that has left bid bots under voting substantially. Where I was expecting 10% more than even over the last couple of weeks I received as low as -20% less than even. An over valuation by the bid bots of over 30%
This may account for the lower ROI on some bots. Eg I believe @therealwolf added a buffer in last week so payouts to bot investors may be less than usual. Those bot owners who didn't compensate will make higher returns for their investors.
Thank you very much for your kind comment and explaining about the lower ROI because of the current price situation. The data was collected on 2 June for the previous 7 days, so this might be different now.