Introduction my self with Indonesian language

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Selamat sore all my friends ...salam kenal aplikasi steemit ..

Saya masih pemula baru di steemit ingin memperkenalkan diri kepada seluruh rekan steemit semua...
Nama asli saya Alwin Patra lahir di Aceh Besar pada tanggal 09 Oktober 1983.
Bekerja di salah satu perusahaan BUMD ternama di Aceh .


Bobby saya mancing berkemah dan hiking.
Demikian riwayat hidup singkat saya.


Salam kenal buat steemian semuanya dan komunitas steemit Indonesia (KSI).

TerimakasihMohon bimbingan dan dukungan, ikuti saya ya..@peurumoh.


Selamat bergabung di steemit @peurumoh, semoga dengan kehadiranmu akan membuat atau membagikan postingan yang membangkitkan Indonesia di kancah dunia. Salam sukses

Mohon pencerahannya suhu @teukukhaidir

welcome to the steemers family

Thanks alot 🙋

NEW ON STEEMIT @niteshbaniya I WILL HELP YOU TO MAKE follower @reecha Hello and welcome to the community. I followed you @niteshbaniya and would appreciate a follow back. I'm looking forward to see more posts! Have a great day and have fun. Welcome! @REECHA

Please upvote, comment, resteem and follow @niteshbaniya

Thanks bro Shresthaamit

Welcome to Steemit @peurumoh. 😀👍

selamat bergabung bro @peurumoh, terus berkarya, together we are worldwide

Thanks alot bro @hanakarutansubra i hope you you can help me to try it

Welcome and join in Steemit hope you enjoy it and can work.
Take out all your imagination 😎 😎
Greetings from me @ trizwansyah79 for you and success will come in the future. 👍👍

Siap pak @trizwansyah79 i hope you can enjoy staying here that the man

Selamat bergabung dan semoga penuh keberuntungan

@ terimakasih bung @rahmads semoga sukses menyertai anda

welcome to join steemit @peuremoh by joining you, become a new motif for all stemian's in steemit indonesia community, good luck.

Thanks alot bung @jhoni ..i hope Will be igreat man