99.999% of people in the world need money. The fact is everyone has a time where they are in a tight spot at some point in their lives. Steem can't provide charity for all. It's not a magical fountain of money.
These rewards, and STEEM's value, are based on the foundation of STEEM's market price. Therefore it is the buyers of STEEM footing the bill for these efforts of charity. So this is not true:
Right?none of this costs anything, this is why @ned and @dan / @dantheman created this blockchain community and economy.
It's possible for charity to see a return benefit to Steem, in the form of promotion or helping a valuable member who is in real need of basic things like housing or food. But I see these begging posts getting out of hand already.
Imagine one side of a street lined with beggars, simply asking for money without offering anything of value. Now imagine the other side of the street lined with buskers, poets, artists, and many others bringing unique value to it. Which side of that street would you rather walk down?
The second side of the street metaphor is what I think Steem will flourish with. Allocating more and more of the reward pool to begging will turn away valuable contributors and probably buyers of STEEM as well.
I've downvoted this post primarily because of this:
I am donating the liquid rewards to her, from this post upon payout and I donated to her directly 10 days ago as well.
You're inviting charity but skimming a substantial amount from it. That's not very charitable.
Edit: And as @son-of-satire found in this comment from @dianargenti, they didn't need the help anyway. https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@barrydutton/hey-steemit-family-what-was-your-1st-blog-post-you-authored-on-here-and-why-or-e-7-or-post-it-or-community-engagement-series#@dianargenti/re-barrydutton-re-dianargenti-re-barrydutton-hey-steemit-family-what-was-your-1st-blog-post-you-authored-on-here-and-why-or-e-7-or-post-it-or-community-engagement-series-20170807t081449245z
Hello there sir @pfunk I would like to say thank u for everything and for the favor. I also wanted to say how sorry I am for my good friend Barry here for doing this blog for me and causes him so much trouble. What sonofsatire was reading maybe he/she mis understood of what I was trying to say. I didn't exactly say I don't need my friend Barry's help, prior for my post a few days ago me and Barry already talk about that he plan to do so...a blog post for me and give.me the liquid rewards I do know that he will do it for he promise me. And for that, it is already a big favor and help for me to raise the fund that I need for he knows that I was not been able to get on my post. And as the one who involved in this there's no problem in my part for I already knew liquid rewards will be given to me and it is a huge help for me. Sir I don't know how to say the exact words to put this issues, that my friend is only doing what he thinks to help. if he also gain for what he do I believed it is only right for him for I myself won't let him give me all the benefits for he also deserved. Sir I am asking you a very big favor for me could you pleased in my behalf post comments for I know you can be more heard and more efficient to explained how I valued much for the favor that my friend given to me. for he only thinks to help me.in either way around and I agree for what he have done for me. I just wanted to give back the reputation and the name of my good friend Barry who was being drag down and being misunderstood for helping me at least in this way I can give back the favor, support and help that he given to me for I also know that you do explained very well like what u have commented on here at sir @pfunk, Thank u so much and God bless you always. Please reconsidered for I know you are one of those who have a good hearted person here in the community. Thank u, thank u so much.
Hi Dian,
I paid you out within about 5 mins of the post being paid to me -- Here is the post I did on it for the community. Have a good weekend my friend.
Yes I did get it, thank u for the kindness you showed I know u will be rewarded for the goodness in you. God bless my friend
Dian, I had no idea you were already on this thread making your voice heard, apart from the one comment of yours on the thread last nite. Timezones get in the way sometimes of communication LOL.
You are on so many of our minds. You continue to show people and me --- what a nice person you are and what community truly means -- and family.
God bless you and your family. I am just starting my online catch up now, after getting a post up earlier and then working on things here to help you.
I hope you noticed my other donation come in over the weekend, with all the people donating to you there recently LOL.
Crying over and overwhelm of your thoughts to us, I guess I need a small boat right now so I won't drown with my own tears 😨 keeping the burden to light. Thank u!
God bless you, just wrote you a long reply a minute ago.
LOL, given what has gone on here on this post
That is pretty funny actually
Thanks for the smile.
I have upvoted @pfunk's comment because I think he touches on important points.
Just for the record I upvoted Barry's post with my bot.
I think the disagreement from @pfunk and most other downvoters comes more from the fact that they would have prefer a bigger % of the reward to go to @dianargenti. I think that is arguable by both parties.
In the end, I think his comment is valuable.
True downvotes are taking from someone. Downvotes are also redistributing what is taken, to everyone else. This everyone is the 99.999% @pfunk is talking about.
Instead of using our energies in an destructive manner let's try to see the positives.
Your post Barry has brought a lot of help to the person you wanted to help and also generated some valuable comments like the one made by @pfunk.
Downvotes should always be seen as a positive for the 99.999%.
The months and months of discussions here, and posts and comments......for hundreds of hours, on people abusing their flags are proof that was not a fulsome statement on the matter.
Hi - Here is what I sent to Dian after the post payout tonite, just keeping you in the loop:
I just couldn't agree more with this. You explained it the best way, and it doesn't mean we don't care about the subject or the cause for charity, is just getting like a new trend of people begging for something. Today this is the third message I see of someones necessities, and personal I wish the best for all of you asking for help, but its important to think about what you are turning this platform into, we don't ask for money to the owner of Facebook, or twitter, or snapchat, etc. This is not an easy topic, but I totally get and understand your point in this one. Great words.
"its important to think about what you are turning this platform into, we don't ask for money to the owner of Facebook, or twitter, or snapchat, etc."
I totally agree with you man. I've been seeing a lot of people begging on this platform or asking for help. I mean, really?! Is it what Steemit for? A Charity?
Right, the begging analogy is great. I think anybody in need should get in touch with @venuspcs, who, although is asking for as much charity as he can, he is trying to contribute so much - even delegating SP to people despite him being in abject poverty, starting a campaign to get a steemit van to promote the website publicly, a discord channel to help the homeless on here, intention to pay back those when he can, posting multiple posts daily with photography and writing.
And that's somebody with completely debilitating physical and mental conditions with hardly a place to sleep, and can barely breath when he does. If anybody needs 50% of $900, it's him.
Yup. You perfectly said the right words I was looking for. The begging analogy makes me sick.
My in depth reply to this is above in comments, I have been out all day. I've addressed almost everything I can think of in there.
The sad thing -- is whether I keep 10% --- 50%, or 500% of the rewards, your DV and others, still costs her money --- and that is evident.
And that is addressed in my long reply. I won't be responding to a slew of individual comments on the negative people have CHOSEN to spend time on here.
Yet not once did you mention that it is possible to give her all of the rewards. Since you know, this is charity after all.
Not even the centralized charities out there today take a 50% cut.
Thanks for saying so @acidyo... appreciate your voice.
Is there something preventing you from donating 100% of the rewards from this post?
Addressed a few mins ago in other reply.
Is there some reason a handful of people are trying to force me to change what I wrote in the post when nobody else did?
This has now become the spotlight for a few of you who read my post -- flagged down the post hundreds of dollars that were meant for Dian --- and then by force and some lies (not you) and misdirection and wordsmithing (sort of you) --- read my post -- don't like that I used the same template and wording as most donation posts --- and are trying to FORCE me to change it
Flags/censorship taking from Dian --- it is not me. My original post was never edited and 99% of people who read it are fine with it..... but for a few of you.
I think that needs to be explored!!!!! But I said that earlier in my reply to you.
Like you are asking / pointing with your language at times, I am not addressing things.
But the timestamps on my replies clearly show I am --- you are just not reading replies, it seems --- to the post in general.
If I was hovering over a post..... I would certainly be reading the whole thing at times, for updates and context.
But --- I will not try to FORCE any of you to do anything.
My comments address all of this and more in one reply, in this post, tonite, and then some.
You guys are literally REACHING for reasons to twist this and make me look badly, I could have sat and done NOTHING to help her --- like my comments said in detail.
This is brutal a handful of you.
If you're asking for charity you have to be ready to face some scrutiny.
Balanced scrutiny. Not this.
This is 3-5 people who decided to take issue to FIND and MANUFACTURE a problem, where none existed with rhetoric and half truths.
3-5 people who have downvoted this and taken money from Dian, where no post existed prior, when I decided to use my stake (so to speak, none that I have bought, all that I have earned) to step out and help --- when they did not. You included.
As I type this there is 1028 votes, a handful of those are DV's by whales like you taking money from her. That is a fact. Not opinion.
And the same handful of people are now trying to FORCE their opinion on me, on what to do, with my post to help someone out and made this about me, when it is not.
The same people who have done nothing to help her the last 12 days, but now jump in..... when my time and effort and heart --- have gotten this on the community radar.
So go ahead, make it about me, manufacture problems where none exist because God knows we don't have enough issues here or other parts of our life.
There is not a lot of balanced debate here on this.... like a lot of things it seems.
TLDR Good:
The good: I have raised SO MUCH awareness of her and can see the donations, comments, votes on her comments and posts thru the roof, she is at least getting set up nicely that way. I could have sat like I said and done NOTHING.
Nite man.
What's not balanced? People are scrutinizing your pledge to give specifically the liquid rewards on this post. Meaning the SP you gain from it, 50% of the post's payout value, will go to you.
You've notably avoided responding directly to that one issue, which I think every person questioning this post has mentioned is their primary concern.
You also haven't addressed the fact that the person you are seeking to benefit told you that their father was already laid to rest and you made this post anyway.
I have addressed it in my numerous and lengthy replies, to some extent --- maybe not the way YOU like it.
But I have also decided this post has once again unearthed the clear centralization of power on this platform in numerous ways.
I will not be bullied by 3-4 people who violently try to force their solution on me, sully my reputation and lie about me, as well as wilfully misdirect the Steemit community.
That was something I was thinking about today struggling thru physio where my mind needs to go somewhere else during the painful stuff I deal with. It became clear to me, my blog post, on my page, was taken over by nasty comments and some hooligans, with their boorish behaviour -- who forced their opinions on me, like I say and wilfully lied and or misdirected people -- harming the post and my reputation which is hard to build.
I have been one of the most active people on here --- and you pick this post to actually interact with me.
Funny that.
Yes I have. Check the comments. I am about done babysitting this post, I have invested A LOT of time here responding to people who clearly don't want to hear what I have to say.
The witch hunt and wordsmithing is just about done.
Great post
Oh so pfunk u should check out whaleshares and whaletank! We give to people for building projects, coins and community initiatives :)
Post payout plus the extra:
Hi Dian,
I paid you out within about 5 mins of the post being paid to me -- Here is the post I did on it for the community. Have a good weekend my friend.
Hypocrite pfunk