The below email to a Washington Post reporter may be published at ZeroHedge later this week.
Ms. Dwoskin,
I have no problem with tools but much more concerning is the extrajudicial censoring and destruction of entire businesses by Google and its surrogates. You might ask Brendan Sullivan, Google's lawyer complicit in this extra-judicial campaign to both destroy Trump and bear down alternative measures, what he thinks. I have the impression he might be trying to restrain Google -- a RICO lawsuit against Eric Schmidt as an individual and Google as a company is in the works.
You will recall that Google gave Hillary Clinton tens of millions of dollars in illegal undeclared in kind contribution manipulating search results to block searches of Hillary + criminal while gratuitously adding + Hitler to searches for Trump. Twitter has massively censored and manipuated results including the blocking trending stories favorable to Trump. Facebook has been more moderate but is still guilty of extra-judicial interference without due process.
You will recall PayPal cutting off WikiLeaks revenue without legal foundation and without due process
post by Jan Rappoport:Two recent examples of #GoogleGestapo now circulating on the Internet after a
AdRoll, a Google surrogate, cut Alex Jones off from 3.5 million in revenue by declaring him a "fake news" website without due process and without just cause. Alex is now organizing a $100M counter-suit against AdRoll as well as Google and I have recommended he add Eric Schmidt, the real architect, to the lawsuit, as well as the law firm that represents Google, for being complicit. Separately I am gearing up to ask Jeff Sessions to direct a RICO investigation against Schmidt and the other social media titans, and working with alternative media to begin documenting all known instances of censorship and mis-direction.
Natural News was digitally assassinated by Google yesterday, "de-listed," made to vanish -- kind of like activists are "disappeared" when they are murdered and their bodies buried deep. They have been relisted today, Google has evidently found that the public does notice #GoogleGestapo.
I am going to be stressing Google's digital misbehavior on every talk show I appear on, until such time as Google publicly rescinds the AdRoll attack on Alex Jones and promises to not abuse it power in "disappearing" those it is attacking extra-judicially. There is no truth to be found in the mainstream media and Google is by no means a qualified or trusted arbiter of the truth. I was recommended recently for the Nobel Peace Prize, the details are at -- until Alex's revenue stream is restored, I will be spreading these truthful examples of abusive power.
Steemit and Duck Duck Go have noticed. Google's misbehavior -- and Twitter's misbehavior -- is giving rise to a demand for a new Blockchain Internet that buries Google, YouTube (another Google surrogate), Twitter, and Facebook, while offering holistic ethical alternatives to Reddit and Wikipedia, both corrupt to the bone.
If Donald Trump creates the Trump Channel as I have advised him to do, this public rejection of the existing social media mafia will be accelerated.
I do believe there is a story in here somewhere and hope you take an interest and have the support of the Post in doing a good job. Bezos is moving to DC -- I briefed Amazon on the possiblities of Amazon as the hub of a world brain in 2007, I believe the Post has everything to gain from reinstating a commitment to informing the public and striving to represent the public interest.
#unrig as a turning point meme.At a minimum I recommend this be briefed up the line to Bezos, I anticipate a social media shake-out in the next two years and #GoogleGestapo is going to join
With best wishes always,
Robert Steele
Read Memo4Trump, share it, use hashtag #unrig
Watch: Trump, Deep State, & We the People (30 Minutes)
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