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RE: Steemit: The Anti-Social Network

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Holy shit, that's ridiculous. How is anybody supposed to get started who can't buy their way in?? It's like real life politics now! O:
Edited to add: when I first started here, I sprinted from rep 25 to rep 50 in like a week or two. Not because I was getting a lot of attention on my blog - but because I commented the fuck out of the blockchain (with real comments, not spam, I read everything) and upvoted everything (without understanding that I was draining my VP too low). I mean, I was on here for hours every day. And since then I have devotedly stuck around and been social. I just around the year mark have made it to minnow and am almost to rep 60, working for it, unable to buy my stake. What are the new people supposed to do if they can't even pound the proverbial pavement??


I agree with you.. .And while my experience applies to the basic account (which this apparently is), the steemit inc version that gives you 10 comments a day is still pretty ridiculous. They really have no clue what we go through to build our account up by scratch! Thanks for the comment @phoenixwren!