It's common for newcomers to be impressed when they see certain posts receiving high payouts, especially when someone seems to be doing well on a fairly consistent basis. It shakes their idea that it's all a big slot machine and suggests that there may be more at play - maybe even something underhanded. In the past, I've been able to show them posts from my first month to prove that I actually started from zero, just like everyone else, and had to invest time and effort in the development of my reputation and following here. Unfortunately, I can no longer do that because everything I posted before three weeks ago has vanished!
Not only are all my posts from my first couple of months missing from my blog page but they don't even show up when searched for. I'm guessing this must be an unintended side-effect of a recent website update and it's not the end of the world, but it does leave me in a bit of a quandary. Everything is still on the blockchain so I can dig it all up and repost it manually but if it's easy enough for the developers here to fix the problem in an upcoming update, that would be great too. I'm hoping one of them reads this and can advise me on the best way to proceed.
As it stands now, it appears that my posts have always done very well here, which is most certainly not the case. I floundered in obscurity at first too, just like most people do, and I like to be able to show that to newcomers so as to reassure them and inspire them to hang in there when they feel like they're feeling invisible. There are plenty of obvious examples of people that got lucky and struck it rich with their very first post but I think it's also important to demonstrate that there's still a longer road to success that can be traveled with good old-fashioned commitment, perseverance, and the willingness to supply value to meet a market's demand.
Yes, there is a problem. I was trying to point the following poster to some of your fortgalt posts, and couldn't find them!
Thanks for trying. Starting to sound like it might be a unique problem since I haven't been hearing from anyone else experiencing it too... This is probably the post you were thinking of
Now that I've looked at mine, I realized it has been fixed. I can't talked for everyone. Let us know if yours is fixed.
Not yet.
The actual problem here is that the UI's initially populated with only the first 20 posts. It should fetch more posts when the user scrolls to the bottom, but it doesn't. Your posts are still there on the blockchain, and the permlinks still exist, they just aren't being displayed.
Thanks for looking into it for me man. Much appreciated.
Your posts are in the blockchain forever, so don't worry you'll get back access to the full history as soon as the frontend bug / limitation is fixed. The problem is due to Steemit limited page depth. Every blog has the same problem as far as I can tell.
Thanks man. Looking forward to it :)
A friend of mine at Steemit says they've identified the problem and should fix it in the next release.
I submitted it to the public bug tracker a while ago. Usually we're pretty public about bug fixing progress, except in security-sensitive cases.
Thanks, @modprobe and @theoretical ! Looking forward to the update. :)
Wow! Unpleasant situation, @piedpiper, but, I'm sure the developers will fix it. However, I suddenly have the desire to keep all my posts on the HDD :)
Regarding reputation. It seems to me, that's the trending topic of the past 3 days. I've only been here a couple of weeks, so I'm still quite a novice. But what you wrote in your article is true. Indeed, at first glance, it seems that large awards for posts - it's just a game of chance. Maybe it happens in some cases. But it is hardly possible to seriously count on such luck constantly.
And in this sense are very instructive @moonflower story, about which @stellabelle wrote 2 days ago. Reputation earned long and hard, but lost quickly and easily. I think this project will teach many of us to be more mindful of our words and actions. And that is really useful skill ;)
This is an encouraging message for all who are new to this platform.
My first few blog posts were pieces of writing that, at one point, I had spent weeks (even months) on, but never posted elsewhere. It's tough to post something like that and receive $0.27. But I think I was missing the point...
The key, for me, has been getting more involved in this blogging community. It's easy to post submission after submission and cross our fingers that the up-votes roll in, but I think we'll have more of an impact of we read others' posts, share our comments and listen to what others here are saying. By doing that effectively, the ideas for strong content will follow.
Yup, and that's how we develop a better online community of mutually supportive contributors :)
So true, everyone knows that posts are able to rank higher due to the comments, sharing etc. Maybe it is time to start reading more posts and commenting each other posts in order to create better results instead of complaining how unfair it is. What everyone think of the idea ?
I agree, these posts would have gone a long way to show newbies that "bewb posts" aren't the only way to reach the top of trending. Building a strong reputation is. I noticed a lot of negativity on yesterday, particularly in the #postpromotion channel about this same topic, so this is very much on the minds of many right now.
We are all humans, and want to make trends out of incomplete information. Here's hoping more learn the lessons of perseverance and hard work!
Yeah, I would hate for someone to get discouraged and give up after only a week.
The site is still in Beta stage, BUT they really need to maintain legitimate searchable archives or it will just become some sort of hit and run type we site with no real backbone. History is important.
Precisely. Kinda the whole point of a blockchain, right?
Exactly! It will only lead to more detractors questioning if a true Blockchain is really backing all of this up.
Timely, considering the top post is currently an intro post by a Playmate with bewbs. You are spot on - it takes a while to get your game up to Steemit level and those first 10-20 posts that get no love can be very discouraging.
But then again, it's actually Steemit genius. The first 20 posts are usually written because you want to get paid, so you write what you think the crowd wants you to write. Then you don't get paid, and at some point it's like fuck it! I'm just going to write what I want to write. And then you get paid, and are a much better writer for the whole experience. ;D
Yeah, the casino effect helps to keep a lot of people going for a while... but that only works for so long before they give up. Every little bit of encouragement goes a long way in the beginning.
And then again... if someone gives up after a week or two Steemit is probably not the place for them. Can you imagine quitting a meatspace job because you didn't get a bonus your first week?
lol Good point.
It would be nice to have them reposted for sure. I have heard one feature coming is a "forfeit author reward" feature, while it may not make sense for some. I could appreciate being able to repost what I enjoy (articles etc), or in your case repost your own content without the appearance of doubling down.
Yeah, I'd love to resurrect some relics for all the new eyeballs but certainly wouldn't if they can just be made visible again.
Your last 2 paragraphs deliver a very important message that deserves a dedicated video so as to keep raising awareness that persistence is the key.
The trending page with its shiny high rewards may contribute to attract newcomers but the downside is that it tends to hide the commitment and effort that is mostly often required to succeed.
Thanks for your video Piedpiper :-)
Not a bad idea.
Thanks... being a literal newbie.. this was very helpful and encouraging to see.
Ah! Welcome to the party, then! Hopefully I can be of some help as you're finding your way around.
How come there is (11), here
It's a common bug on new accounts.
I've said it many times before, and people are probably sick of seeing me post this but we need to encourage people to interact with the community more by commenting in submissions they like. Everyone wants to hit the frontpage with a great post but it's just as important that we build a strong community foundation in the threads of those articles. I'm still seeing trending posts with maybe 30 comments, 10 of them are spam. We need to work on this together.
I think it will happen organically over time, as we get to know one another better.
I've noticed this as well, but if you go to[username], you can find it there, although you'll have to really dig to find what you're looking for.
I'm able to get to my introduction post there, which was made on July 16.
You shouldn't have to do that though.
so i have the same problem. my one and only 5000$ post disappeared ;)
so people did congratulate me, in finally earning some money today on Steemit ;)
so best would be, if in one of the coming updates, they showed the posts and gave us the option to sort , so for example sort after votes or payouts etc.
That would be awesome.
Very inspiring, i was about to give up steeming with no hope that even my blogs for a cause wont generate that much even though it had more upvotes. With this post i will continue to strive and work harder to get noticed. Thank you for this.
The newbie votes may not be worth much right now, but they'll grow in value over time.
Nice to know
Nicely said man, I feel you and I really enjoyed your post.
I am sorry my friends, very soon i think it goes go much better
good job
Yes I noticed this too and was quite perturbed by it. Hopefully that gets fixed, because it must be an error. I also noticed before, though, that in the 'blog' section we were seeing a bunch of comments instead of top-level posts.
Also, how did you get the little image in the title without markdown?
Yeah, I noticed the comments in the blog for a while too, which was annoying but now the solving of that problem has resulted in an even bigger one! lol Gotta love them unintended consequences ;)
The emoji? Yeah, just gotta paste 'em in. There are tons of them that you can use. Have a look at
I am sorry to hear that. Did you get in contact with devs?
You made me check my blog page. Everything is still there. Even two posts from three months ago.
No, I'm still not sure if others are experiencing the same issue or if it was just me. I also dropped the question in the help chanel of steemit chat. I'd like to know more about what I'm talking about before whining to the techies. If I don't get any answers from the crowd, I'll take a more direct approach though.
Yep, nowadays the trending is really misleading. Only post that seem supports Steemit wide spread will get hots, whatever it take?
If things continue like this, the future of Steem is so gloom.
I don't mind the trending page as long as everything else is easily accessible too.
Nice write up and catchy header good job up-voted!
Steemit has a BOT problem! Your Vote Counts... Maybe
Dear User known as @piedpiper
Good informational post.
Thank you & SteemOn! :)
Thank you for sharing. I did like very much to read the post. Winners never quit, quitters never win. However can be a lit discouraging when for few weeks when posting you don't get nothing more than 0.00...I know the process. however my question is purely logistic. After how long, I mean weeks, months you started to see results? Thank you in advance @piedpiper
My guess when they started doing this was that they wanted to reduce server load. It seemed like the blog section started pulling in comments as well once you got past a point, and that seemed like it might have been a bug. A potentially costly one...
The site search is a bit more confusing, because they use google search... very strange.