What do you guys think about Breaking bad the series on netflix???? I personaly love it !

in #steemit8 years ago

Hey guys,

What do u think about Breaking bad the series??

I love it!

Love the story and the plot twist in the series.

(Image not shown due to low ratings)

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It's one of the best TV shows I've seen next to Game of Thrones :)

BB is one of the most captivating shows available anywhere, highly recommended! I also loved every episode.

I absolutely loved it, I'm planning to rewatch it all over again. Heisenberg is the GOAT!

Absolutely loved every episode, for the hardcore BB lovers maybe you like this. https://steemit.com/gaming/@qurka/breaking-bad-vr-experience

Lots of people around me say the exact same thing. But many of them also say that you really have to sit through the first season. It gets wayyyyy better after that.

Well... we tried to start watching it but my wife and I could not get through the first two episodes... and we surely will not watch an entire first season to get to the good stuff.

Perhaps we're missing out on what seems to be a great show, if you have the time and patience for the good stuff to happen. I guess we will never know...

Yeah great, I also enjoy the spin off better call soul . But if you want to watch something funny watch porridge it's fantastic mate

Breaking Bad is the 5th highest rated show ever on TV according to IMDB
http://www.imdb.com/chart/toptv/?ref_=nv_tvv_250_3 It was number 1 for a long time.

I think it is the greatest TV show ever created, I thought highly of it after watching it through. After watching it through a 2nd time a couple years after it was over I realized that it is incredible, THE best TV show hands down ever.