This proposal is submitted for consideration to the Steemit development team and all community members actively involved in the Steemit platform’s ongoing development.
I am proposing the Curation rewards algorithm be adjusted to compensate curators based on the VALUE of the curation SERVICES they provide to Steemit and in turn to Steem holders. Specifically, Curators upvoting unknown and low paid authors will get more rewards. This will improve the value of Steemit and $STEEM.
To begin the discussion from a productive position I believe we must start on the same page. I propose the following terms and definitions to be assumed in the context of this proposal.
Terms and Definintions:
Curation Reward: A financial incentive in place to compensate users for services that add value to the Steemit digital repository.
Curate source
verb: curate; 3rd person present: curates; past tense: curated; past participle: curated; gerund or present participle: curating
select, organize, and look after the items in (a collection or exhibition).
"both exhibitions are curated by the museum's director"
Reward source
- a thing given in recognition of one's service, effort, or achievement.
"the holiday was a reward for 40 years' service with the company"
synonyms: recompense, prize, award, honor, decoration, bonus, premium, bounty, present, gift, payment; More
Digital Curation source
Digital curation is the selection, preservation, maintenance, collection and archiving of digital assets. Digital curation establishes, maintains and adds value to repositories of digital data for present and future use. This is often accomplished by archivists, librarians, scientists, historians, and scholars.
How do curators add value to Steemit by voting.
1. Curators sort individually through the vast amounts of content on Steemit to effectively introduce multiple sources of subjective evaluation to the maximum number of posts.
Imagine a beautiful state of the art library with the best facilities and over 50,000 librarians. Inside stacks of books are strewn about on the floor in a pile reaching the ceiling. All of the bookshelves in the library are empty except for one labeled “Best Selling Authors”.
Further optimizing sorting.
Steemit is generating staggering amounts unevaluated of content on a daily basis.
This is the pile of books on the floor. Steemit is paying people for the service of sorting this content but currently they all review, organize, and evaluate the same small subset of posts.
I propose giving additional weight to curator rewards when a user is evaluating relatively “Unsorted” posts and authors. Specifically, metrics such as the dollar amount earned on last N posts would suffice to measure the current quality of information curators have provided regarding a specific post or author. These small changes incentivise multiple sources of subjective evaluation for the majority of all created content. By maximizing the amount of content which has been evaluated it will reduce errors from individual weak sources of information and increase the number of high-quality high-value posts identified.
The system should financially incentivise users to sort through this “pile of books”. Each user need only look at a couple of posts before every single post has multiple weak sources of evaluation attached. This will further improve the efficiency of intelligently organizing this ever growing collection. Fortunately we have tens of thousands of curators and a system in place to compensate them. The more of the content that can be evaluated from multiple sources the more accessible, organized, and valuable the content becomes.
2. Curators forming a consensus on the highest quality content with the most value to Steem holders.
This is analogous to all 50,000 librarians maintaining the “Best Selling Authors” shelf. It is by far the most important, active, and valuable shelf of the whole library. Currently, Steemit curators are doing an excellent job of organizing and evaluating high-value content. It does not require a disproportionate share of the curation reward resources to achieve this.
Objectively comparing value of curation services
There is value added when users contribute to forming the consensus on a popular post. However, the Nth curator to confirm this information adds FAR LESS value to the platform than the curator performing the (1.) Sorting service of identifying less known content. The latter person is identifying possible high-value content which may not have been otherwise discovered or monetized. While the former merely supports information we already have regarding the value of a post.
Discovering new high-value content that would have otherwise gone undiscovered is immeasurably more valuable than additional confirmation by a single curator that a popular piece is also subjectively valuable to them. The rewards should reflect this value differential more accurately.
In conclusion, I will reiterate.
I am proposing the Curation rewards algorithm be adjusted to compensate curators based on the VALUE of the SERVICES they provide to Steemit and in turn to Steem holders. Specifically, Curators upvoting unknown and low paid authors will get more rewards. This will improve the value of Steemit and $STEEM.
Thank you for your considerations,
If you have constructive feedback or specific suggestions on implementing changes to the Curation Reward system please join the conversation in the comments section.
One problem I've noticed is that people are hunting down posts that are under the 30 minutes reward window to specifically up-vote them if they've attracted attention, and there's a chance they will hit the front page.
@cryptobarry I concur, this activity you describe is not a service that merits of the largest portion of curator payments. If more incentive was put on discovering uncurated content we could increase the value of $STEEM by improving the diversity of quality content available on steemit.
I agree with you that any post gone for the first 30 minutes is less likely to get famous again if they are not on the trending part.
But yes, if an post does not attract votes in the thirty minutes, it is also likely that they does not have good contents.
@nomorealex, There should be some specific changes which could be made to encourage finding new content not simply being the Nth person to approve of a post.
Does anyone have any opinion on the post? I appreciate everyone who comments on the proposal. I would love to hear feedback or comment from @ned @dan @smooth @pfunk or ANY other Steemians.
Archiving the upvotes/comments from the deleted original copy of this post.
Good post but it seems as if you are unaware of the fact that timing already heavily influences curation rewards (
@mark-waser I am in fact aware of the influence timing has on curation rewards. I was advocating adding variables to reward curating authors who are not very popular. Perhaps I wasn't clear in the way I wrote it. I was referring to the curation value which confirmation of the Nth user adds in direct comparison to the curation value of discovery of new posts. Regardless of the timing penalty it currently still financially incentivises consensus confirmation OVER discovery.
This is a good idea if it can be done. I suspect the issue is the complexity of implementing it in a way that can't easily be gamed.
"Discovering new high-value content that would have otherwise gone undiscovered is immeasurably more valuable than additional confirmation by a single curator that a popular piece is also subjectively valuable to them. The rewards should reflect this value differential more accurately."
100% agree with this - if a way can be found to do it without being easily gamed or making the system so complicated that it can't effectively be implemented then it would be fantastic.
I like the idea in theory, except the number of votes part, which is a near-useless metric to Steem when someone could possibly control thousands of sockpuppet/botnet accounts. Past value of posts would be a better single indicator. You also mention account reputation but that is a thing and not a Steem thing.
The issues I see would be: is the extra complexity in curation reward calculation worth it? How much of a bonus should there be? Too little and the whole scheme is a waste of time, too much and there may be abuse avenues.
@pfunk Thank you so much for taking the time to provide your valuable input on the proposal. I have adjusted the post to reflect your suggestions regarding unrelated and ineffective variables. I agree using a simple SBD earned per post avg could be sufficient.
In response to your second point the complexity of including one additional variable is incomprehensibly insignficant compared the growth from a properly curated repository.
We "$STEEM holders" are essentially paying curators for a service. Assuring we are spending that efficiently and prudently is always "worth it". Spending the curation funds on services that grow the value of the repository and in turn the improve the value of website, blockchain, and tokens, is the purpose of the reward.
I may be wrong and this is technically insane or unfeasible but I think @dantheman would know the answer to this one best, maybe he can chime in?