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RE: Plagiarism: Why I’m Happy It Happened to Me

in #steemit8 years ago

Of course the board would purge any good person from an administrative position. They can't rely on someone like that, there is too much sensitive dirty work in those positions.

The school boards want administrators who cannot wait for the slightest excuse to call child services or law enforcement for the slightest indescretion. They need someone in there who has no regard for parental rights.

My youngest brother just graduated high school last year, and my mother was telling me that the school will not honor more than two parental excuses per semester! They need an administrator who will tell parents that if they want to take their student out of state to visit his big brother for a couple of days, that he would have to make up the absence by staying after school!

The public school system is becoming more like a prison with each passing year. They can't afford to have wardens or guards in there that don't worship the system and won't hold the line.

At any rate, I am so happy that you were able to catch the plagiarism! I will definitely keep a wary eye out for the ironically named "fairgirl".


The CPS madness... don't even get me started. The board members did not count on me knowing one of their bosses... needless to say, it likely created a rather embarrassing situation for that person. Some time later, they pulled my daughter out of class without cause or any notification to me to have her evaluated by a psychologist; I was then informed that she may be a danger to herself. When I asked my child about it, she made it sound like she had been just been having some existential conversation with this stranger, like "What is the meaning of life anyways?" She has a rather high IQ and has had a tendency to be a deep thinker from a very young age. Needless to say I have zero confidence that they would not go so low as to threaten the safety of my child. The retaliatory efforts these wicked people out there will embark on when their evil schemes are uncovered is just mind-boggling.

Power is very corrosive to the decency of a lot of people. It is an odd trait of humans that power corrupts the person's moral fiber, and that sociopaths are allowed to rise to positions of power.