THANK YOU to all my supporters on this AMAZING platform - TRULY! As a dtuber it only made sense to me make my first purchase with my earnings something that would help me with me with my future vlogs to hopefully make my video content even better for my followers! I've just received the package I have been waiting for in the mail (so COOL to buy it using my blog earnings) - I've been waiting for the new version (#2) of this toy to come out ever since I heard good things about this toy from @spenceryan (SPENCER RYAN) and @acromott. It was actually estimated to arrive early March from the apple store although I ordered this at the beginning of Feburary, but looks like Christmas came way early!
Drum roll please....
DJI OSMO 2 for iphone!
I'm so grateful to Steemit and my supporters. As you guys may have guessed, I'm a serial hobbyist - and I have so much that I want to do! Even BEFORE I found Steemit, I loved photography and videography - and now I finally can share my work with you guys to enjoy AND upgrade and experiment with equipment, thanks to Steemit. I'm super THRILLED to reinvest my earnings back into something for all my followers to enjoy! So, today's vlog is about the initial unveiling of my Steemit goody box. Thanks for watching!
▶️ DTube
Great post ..
Good for you .. Who works deserves
bird is really a beautiful thing in a person's life
Thank you for sharing this with us
thank you! the bird's certainly do brighten my life! One of them has been with me for more than 20 years
Congrats for your toy.
It feels really good when you see someone fullfilling her dreams and living life.
I am hoping to get my toy (MacBook) soon from my earnings of steemit. So let's see when does that happen.
thank you so much!! :) That will be exciting, and it would definitely be great for blogging!
Congratulations, I never knew such a gadget existed. It would be really nice to be able to make high quality videos with your phone, would keep an eye on your blog to see the first video you make with this gadget.
PS I called it a gadget, there is something awkward about the word'toy' lol
hahah thank you so much! Yeah I’ve just finished charging it up and hopefully I’ll find some time this weekend to first delete stuff from my phone and free up memory space and try to play around with my new gadget 😝
such a nifty idea about how to take your earnings and put it back into your content and in a way back towards the community. i really commend you in the sheer thoughtfulness of this post, making it into a video, and describing why you're doing it. it really shines through. truly - it inspired me. theres this youtube artist and content creator i follow - her name is Aly Spagnola, and she has a Patreon account to support her content and videos ( - if you've never heard of Patreon definitely check it out! if you have an audience its a great way to fund your art and to give them a place to connect with you and each other - but only helpful if you have a following first :) something i aspire to with my art:)) - anyway , she did this amazing thing where she gave away over 200 original pieces of artwork to her Patreon community (every single one that asked for one got one!). Even Amanda Palmer uses it! because its really authentic - you give away your art and those that love and support you do that by chipping in because they want to give you support. it becomes not about the money. against the status quo of "you give me X money, you get X in return", and more about acts of gratitude and thoughtful gestures. you didn't have to use your steemit profits to buy equipment. you could've put it towards a fancy car, or jewelry or something totally for you, but you didnt. and i think thats really something powerful about this community. (i think the burner in me is coming out lol ;p)
anyway, loved this. and when i get there, i am acknowledging here and now that i have every intent in following in these steps. taking notes in my steemit Bible ;)
very cool @itinerantartist! Thanks for taking the time to provide me with the info about Aly, I will definitely check her out. I absolutely love all the awesome artwork and content that is being created all around the community, definitely very inspiring :D Talent is everywhere and it never ceases to amaze me! Glad I have inspired you with this dtube video as well <3
I just finally got around to seeing this! Wheeewww, busy day!
Spencer Yan... That made me laugh so hard 😂 Don't sweat it though, my spelling is awkward.
Can't wait to see you put the Osmo to use! It's definitely an awesome tool, and it's great that you waited and got V2! Congrats on using your earnings! You're killing it like always!
hahah glad you got to see it! I was like how embarrasing that I've been calling you that for several months now (in my head and out loud!) I can't wait to play with it, any quick starter tips? I've downloaded the app and started to try to delete stuff from my phone.. but i still dont have any space!?
I knew it. Unboxed a new toy and left us.
Is it working?
What's the difference?
What's the name of that creature on your shoulder?
hi gandalf! :) so the osmo has to be charged up and I had to download an app to go with it, so I did that right after the unboxing, but I do want to play around with it and make a post for those who are curious about allt the things ..especially compared to the wooden stick and duct tape (certainly a much cheaper option) :P there are two of them on my shoulder there - the grey one is Sunshine and the yellow one is Lemon! Thanks so much for your support, I truly appreciate it!
The first, and I am sure it's not going to be the last. With steemit you will achieve much more. All you need is being creative and consistent and you will be surprised how far you will go. Thank you for sharing. My believe is that if you can get this far, I can too. Your sharing this is an inspiration.
Thank you so much! Glad you found it to be inspiring, yes I have definitely focusing a lot on content and creating these days :)
Your success inspires me to keep on STEEMIN.
Congrats on the new toy, I know the feeling!
Hope you enjoy it... lol Spencer Yan!!
ahan... great.... Many more to come :)
HAHAH thanks!! I am so excited, it was charging yesterday night!! Hopefully I have time tomorrow to play with it.. right?? I can't believe I've been calling him that and JUST realized. I tell hubby about you guys (or what yall have been up to) probably at least a couple times a week and I always say "YAN!"
You are welcome
Best thing is to earn through what we do and it's great you earn from blog. Congrats
Congrats dear! I'm so happy for you. With steemit our dreams can be true :D
Thank you my friend, you are always so sweet! :)
I am glad you decided to read the manual first. No more DIY.
Hahaha semi diy!
Congratulations !!!
thank you!
I have very good ideas. 😀
Very good animal. follow for more @titanik
So cute. U have invested your money wonderfully
aw thank you! Hope so :D
That's totally awesome... Buying stuffs for you steemit earning... Now you can make even better selfish with you dji selfie stick... They are cool... Enjoy... And show us how it's working 🙏 its a good investment for you and your steemit... The future is bright as..... 😜
hehe it was pretty cool, and yes I hope to make some really cool content for everyone to enjoy :)
grad to see you doing well, my friend
thank you so much, have a great weekend!
congrats..good luck for next
thank you very much :)
Selamat semoga kedepannya terus maju kawan dan terus berkarya.
Congratulation.....great achievement
thanks so much!
steady banget.salam know from me juanda89.follow and vote back
Congratulates on success :) and a new purchase :)
wooow very nice 💓💓

steemit is great!!
That is so awesome.
I can't wait to see your new and improved videos, even though I thought all your videos are awesome anyways.
This is very exciting my friend
heheh thank you so much my friend!! It's more for creating a different TYPE of video :) I would like to try my hand in making more cinematic "storyline" videos.. on my phone :P
Steemit is here to make you buy more love for yourself @polebird
Wow that beautiful your toy CONGRATULATIONS enjoy that tenderness friend
Congratulations! :D
We are new on Steem and we hope we could use Steem earnings for our internships in Australia and China!
Great profile:)
Wahoo! Congrats on the Steemit success so far, I’m sure it’s only going up from here! The osmo is awesome, especially for vloggers, will pay for its self in no time!!
heheh thank you! can't wait to finally try it out, it was charging yesterday.. now to find the time and delete some stuff from phone's memory :P
Haha I hadn't thought about that! Time for some external storage!!
Wow congrats!!
thanks karen :D
Awesome post! I invite you to visit our blog and vote us back! And of course to enjoy our content :)
Congratulations! Very cool toy!
thank you so much!
Jahahah you are too cute! You have a new follower! 😆 congrats on your toy! I hope I can buy something I wish for so long by using steemit earnings some day!
aw thank you so much :D hehehe im going to test it out today, yay! well i've been trying to delete stuff from my phone first.. to clear up memory lol
Good afternoon, I looked your post and pleased me, also pleased me as you conduct the blog.I wish to blow off you a large jackpot. Successes to you and successes with the new undertaking.
Oh ~ you got a wonderful item!!!
hehe yeah! I'm excited! Hope it lives up to the hype :)
That's cool. A bit expensive still for me but if this doesn't break and can be used for several year it sure is a cool investment. Congrats! First time I'm seeing you. Like the delivery. Followed!
thank you! glad you stopped by :) I sure hope it doesn't break heheh, really looking forward to testing it out soon
great present you gave yourself :) all through hard work at steemit :)! are you now able to live just with your steemit earnings or do you have another job?
Nice to read about you and you posts and views. I am into steemit from august 2017, I am interested in photography and I am also into crypto trading and investing,I have followed you so you can also follow me. Let us all join hand and work with one common objective to make steemit reach to great height.
Best Of luck