Then at 12.15 pm (local time). Just 15 minutes before the new year has come China
The light of light all around. In the sky of Shanghai there are six colors of different colors. Meanwhile, Jimmy Canvas, Stuart Martinians could not enjoy the rush to catch the flight. Because San Francisco should go However, Canvas has already said to her on the phone that she will return home before the start of the new year. Lastly, she has given the girl the words. The house has reached before the new year. That is, in the event of an annual celebration in Shanghai, San Jose has been able to join the celebration. Thinking how is it possible? Two cities are located on both sides. From Shanghai to San Francisco, it takes 11 hours to fly. But, from time to time, Shanghai is lagging behind about 16 hours in San Francisco.
What is the incident? The San Francisco-based UA890 Boeing 787-909 flight from Shanghai on January 1, 2017 at 12:15 pm. The plane takes 11 hours 5 minutes to reach San Francisco. However, the time has not passed. Rather back So the plane arrived in San Francisco on December 31 last year at 7:20 pm
Basically we calculate the length of the longitude. Greenwich Time Time is considered as a deadline. Shanghai, which is located 121.4737 degrees east of London, That is, about 8 hours ahead of London from Shanghai. Meanwhile, San Francisco, located 122.4194 degrees west of London, Divide by 15 degrees per hour will take more than 8 hours. San Francisco is back in London for 8 hours. London is 8 hours behind Shanghai, from London to San Francisco for another 8 hours. So, estimates are down from Shanghai to San Francisco 16 hours.
That's why, after leaving the aircraft from Shanghai on January 1, 2017, it reached San Francisco on December 31, at 7:20 pm.

thanks to for info
very informative post bro
Yes man
very informative...nothing to say
Tnx bro
Omg! It's shocking
That was really so informative and useful post...
Good Post
Gd post
The aircraft look like..
Interesting information news
enjoy the aircraft
Nice post bro . Thanks bro.
Good news
Ho this possible man?
I don't know