Meet Graham - The perfect body to survive a car crash.

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

The incredibly lifelike sculpture was commissioned as part of an Australian road safety campaign.He has a head shaped like a boulder, feet snarled like tree roots and a chest like a wrinkled battering ram. Graham has a thick strong skull, a neck that melts into his torso and an inflatable chest that acts like airbags.He was made using silicone, fibreglass, resin and human hair.

The sculpture was created by artist Patricia Piccinini, in collaboration with a leading trauma surgeon and a road crash investigation expert. 

"Cars have evolved a lot faster than humans and Graham helps us  understand why we need to improve every aspect of our roads system to  protect ourselves from our own mistakes." Can be viewed at the State Library of Victoria and viewed online. (BBC)


He might survive a car crash but he would never survive social media scrutiny!!!
This dude is FUGLY!!