And the big one - yes, I used upvote bots all over the place and after just one month I now have over 300 followers and a rep of 57. I know a lot of people would like to spank me for that, and they will be even more pissed off now when they hear me say I think it's a good way to start out fast on Steemit. There - I have just come out as Satan...
Oh Crap! mate. I'm kind of happy for you that the Pinky Cranky Gandalf didn't catch you doing this odd skulduggery & shenanigans sooner. Because you'd be fried by now. };p the way ¡Happy prick steemversary my friend! :)
I think half of Steemit is using bots now...
I'm not sure how pissed off my followers would be with what I'm testing, but truth is I don't think anyone could build up a new account now without bots.
My rep has been stuck on 64 since January and it's not likely to ever go higher, and its been 3 months since I had a payout over $15 - now I'm not even likely to get over $5! My days of $100 posts are long gone!
I want to do a post about bots and the only way I'm going to understand all this is to try using them myself. (just not on my main account)
¡True Facts! mate. And "The proof is in (eating) the pudding" };)
Byteballs Airdrop that has to everyone hitting races everywhere these last days?Btw @sift666, did you hear something about that
Based on your experience with the bidbots...57.270 up to 60 and in this way try put $40.00 extra dohlha$ in your byteball wallet after the registration process is useless? ...or not? ¿Do you reckon that even using them to quickly rise @frot's Rep Score from
I am currently trying to achieve this right away. Since at this moment I have just a Rep Score of 58.782. So, if you find that using bidbots could be an effective procedure to accomplish the goal, please let me know!!! };)
Cheers!! :)