I've been there.
$1,000 one post $0.02 the next.
And I'm sure there are posters who have seen far greater variance .
Moreover, at times you feel bitterness as some users make upwards of $5,000 while your post makes considerably less. Even if the content was similar to yours.
How to avoid Reward frustration
1. Don't extrapolate your gains
Expected rewards are largely a function of voting distribution.
In other words, when you expect to make $1,000 per post, you are expecting that particular groups of people, will vote at particular times, in particular orders...every time.
Does that sound reasonable?
2. Your neighbor earning $1,000,000 per day has nothing to do with you
While we're probably naturally, or through social conditioning, inclined to feel kinship with our fellow humans, we are still individuals.
When I eat a piece of bread, your stomach doesn't digest it.
So when someone else earns a lot more than you, I think it's worth considering:
Has my quality of life been directly affected?
Chances are, someone earning $5,000 on a post won't induce excruciating, chronic disease.
Good reminders. Thanks.
thanks for you post I feel the same way I had the same experience.
dreaming of tacos
This post explains the symptoms I have been having #itch #cash #money We all craving them greens @positive
Thanks, this reward frustration is a typical steemit disease. Thanks for sharing your important words.
Nice thinking, one can not win always
This is why I tell the people I introduce to steemit not to look at the $ signs. It's an awesome platform with a great community, and it's doing things no one else is doing. Now is the time to begin using it.
It would be like being one of the first 30,000 people on twitter, along with GaryVee, and other amazing people. There's so much more promise and possibility than cashing out.
Obsession with money will not make you have a good time here when that variance hits.
Great post, good to keep it in perspective. But just remember that we all do pay for the $5000 posts -- our currency is being inflated to fund those! If it gets out of hand we will be like the US govt -- insolvent!