Urban Prepping - 10 THINGS TO CONSIDER

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

It goes without saying that most of us do not live in a rural area with a small population. That would be ideal but it is not realistic.


I found a 10 minute video that brings up some great points.

watch it here

Here are my takeaways:

  • Light discipline
  • Noise discipline
  • Sanitation
  • Reduce clutter
  • Fire safety
  • Blend in / don't be a hero
  • Think privacy because loose lips sink ships
  • Be organized
  • Have an alternate place to take shelter
  • Establish an emergency meeting spot for your trusted family / friends

I would like to hear your thoughts on this topic!

Image source: images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=AwrB8p6Hyl9ZBWUAjTYunIlQ

Video source: Penny University channel on YouTube

Gif source: giphy.com/gifs/I2RBazIJF84Eg/links


I am not sponsored, endorsed, or otherwise compensated in any fashion by these sources, however I am a humble Steemian who wishes to bring forth quality content in order to add value to our community.




Well you know my thoughts. lol. Anyway awesome video brother! Many need this kind of information and are not ready for what is coming. Gonna resteem it for ya! Good post!

Thank you very much! You rock!

Good stuff. I like that City Prepping channel too.

Thanks @mamadini! It was my first time checking out their channel :)

It seems like when Hurricane Sandy hit and during 9/11, city pulled together pretty well. Neighbors helped neighbors. Strangers helped strangers.

They sure did and that is definitely a great point. Those who were "preppers" and even those who weren't shared and combined their resources. Outside help poured in from all over. If a longer term and more widespread "event" were to occur, I can imagine the first couple of weeks being like that and then when thirst and hunger start to set in, it will get ugly very quickly. Thanks for your input @haphazard-hstead!

You're welcome. It's interesting to me, to look at examples of longer events in other countries. After the Fukushima earthquake, tidal wave, and nuclear plant disaster, people still managed pretty well without descending into ugliness. After Chernobyl, too. War is a different situation than disasters, of course. Having good civic infrastructure that practices responding to crises, and seeing everyone as part of a community rather than as "others" that we need to protect ourselves from, seems to foster better outcomes. Here's to everyone being prepared!

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