My dad fought against fascists; I have no intention of tolerating them any more than he did.
Hey if you want to utilize sophistry to redefine words so that you feel comfortable with hate speech, go for it. I’m done here.
My dad fought against fascists; I have no intention of tolerating them any more than he did.
Hey if you want to utilize sophistry to redefine words so that you feel comfortable with hate speech, go for it. I’m done here.
I fully support your right to remain ignorant of what I have to say.
If you are ever become able to consider the points I have made, no one will be made less safe, and to the contrary, the ability of fascists to censor and murder will be reduced.
After all, you are becoming exactly what you so hate, by doing the very things they do. I believe that, should you realize that, you will be horrified. I note that denial is a common response to cognitive dissonance, and empathize with your humanity.
The last thing I want to say on this matter is this: by supporting the right of idiots to spout whatever hateful drivel they want, I am the direct enemy of fascists. By emulating them, and censoring speech you disagree with, you are become one of them.
Censorship is fascism.
I have been angry at what you have said. I have tried to answer reasonably despite my anger. If I have failed, I regret it.
If you cannot grasp the truth of what I have said, I am sad, because, someday, you will, or someone you love dearly will, and it just might be when they are censored with extreme prejudice.
I want to prevent that, and that is my only goal in having this conversation with you.
Peace, joy, and everlasting prosperity to you and yours, my friend.