One may not make unauthorized commercial use of, reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies, perform, or publicly display the Steemit logo or brand, except as permitted by the doctrine of fair use or as authorized in writing by us.
Logo or brand. I grok the logo bit, but not the brand part. What about the word itself? Can we no longer post with the insert company name here tag. Can we no longer write any post that includes insert company name here?
Look at the upper top left corner of this website.
Do you see the font they've chosen, the color they've used, to write the word "steemit"
...that is also part of their brand I believe, even without the logo.
Now say someone downloaded "condenser" available on github, and used the same layout, color scheme, and used a similar looking logo, with a similar brand name, to produce a similar website.
Right away they could file a lawsuit against that website owner for stealing their brand to confuse people, and they would probably win.
...brand is more than just logo, or a font. Brand can be argued in a court of law.
As long as I can say Steemit Steemit Steemit, I'm set. 😎
Yes, and you can say Coke, Pepsi, Apple, IBM, or even Trump too. :)
...but don't ever think of trying to run a "Steemit Contest" (because that infers it is sanctioned by Steemit, Inc)
Do you see how a little brand legalese can change things?