In this live broadcast
Dan Dicks of Press For Truth will be taking questions from the YouTube chat and Steemit post for those who follow PFT on
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Hey Dan! Big fan of your work! Quick question: why did you say recently that "Islam is at odds with Western Christian standards and morals"?
Are you a promoter of Islam and violence to people who are different than yourself?

fuck Islam.. It needs to stop existing!
Islam has in it a great deal of hate and violence promotion.. It is something that needs to be held back at the guard of spears!
i invite all good spirits to help me out also, as we should help out PressForTruth !
Steemit will get attacked big time too!
They operate out of Denmark and SWEDEN! and now the UK for sure!
What do you think about Illinois and other states arbitrary disarmament schemes?
Please help me get started also!
Follow and upvote my rescent intro posts!
I will make much greater posts as I get going! Just have patience!
Scandinavia has been under attack for 40 years so we are working while we recover, while we defend! It sounds wierd but its THE TRURH!
End to the Global Satanic Mafia Banker people!!
Hey, thanks. Great channel.
Auto upvote will happen at 30 min :D
P.S. is a useful site to rebroadcast to multiple platforms simultaneously and have all chats in one. But i never tried DLive with it yet, heard it might need the premium ( paid ) account of restream.
Should Ontarians try to vote Kathleen Wynne out even though it's a selection and not an election? And isn't voting playing the governments game as well?
Thanks for doing what you do and fighting the good fight!
yo Dan remember bro ur the shit without the dookie! love your news found you on steemit...
Dan thanks for the good work! Have you seen The Myth is Canada? The movie is coming out this summer. This is our opportunity to make the system obsolete, cheers Kirk
It IS the Islamists who are controlling our Military in Scandinavia, by force of knifes and pistols! The Adult Vikings have let us down for 20 years! Islamists are at all kinds of powerful posts in society. Effectively forcing us young Vikings like me to flee to America or get killed soon!
My instinct have told it to me and my experiences.. OUR experiences here confirm it!
Great show . Yeah I stopped watching TV a long time ago , and now just recently that I’ve become a truth warrior I just can’t get enough REAL NEWS . I now play video games as I listen and watch the REAL NEWS . Its been great , although I wished they made more games for adults . I just don’t like fantasy shit . I really like simulators like driving , flying , and FPS . But it doesn’t rot your brain , and gives you problem solving skills . On Illinois .Oh boy , well folks that has to be the most COMMUNIST state in the union . Stay far away from it . I think Illinois will be the first state to go belly up , and the trigger for our long anticipated financial collapse . I have been working on stories to hand to some of you but I haven’t got the equipment yet . I do want to join the fight so please let me know if you need some help, I’ll work for food and travel . I was conducting my own investigation on the HUD corruption and they went after me . Financially set me back a ton of money , and folks its the town of WAUKEGAN that is the FREEMASON HIVE❗️I’m betting many of them own the buildings I was making a report about . This is one you should look at . Great Lakes training center is just south in the town of North Chicago . Not the actual city . A NAVAL training base right next to Lake Michigan and they don’t have a single ship in the water . Not even a dingy ⁉️And that’s because I’m working on several theories that this is NO TRAINING BASE . It looks more like a garrison . But to protect what you might say . Well once I was ridding down the lake front on my bicycle and I saw what looked like a tunnel going deep underground , and not on the base , but when I approached a military cop stopped me from looking any further , and when I asked he got very annoyed . So I respectfully disengaged from our conversation and got the hell out of there . If you look into the DEEP TUNNEL PROJECT in Chicago, and you will see fascinating photos of it , but it ain’t no dam tunnel to stop flooding because some areas of Chicago still get flooded , and it was important for them to finish by 2016❓🤔 Well I believe that it is a DEEP UNDERGROUND BASE . From time to time I could be walking down the main boulevard and it feels like there is a subway train rolling underneath my feet⁉️ I’ve lived in or near Chicago most of my life so I know what a subway train feels like when your on the sidewalk above it . But this one feels MUCH BIGGER . I’m guessing atleast three times bigger then an average city subway train . Yeah well I also found a rocket fuel factory on the lake front ⁉️ What the hell would you need that for . Unless that train runs on it , or they have silos below us ❓I’m still working on stuff , but this HUD fraud investigation is bogging me down . They went and stole the money I was saving for new equipment and no one wanted to do SHIT . The police here looked at me kinda funny and a lawyer who I hired and initially acted very enthusiastic suddenly disappeared for over six months and then comes back with a much milder sounding case then first presented . Waukegan has the OLDEST FREEMASON lodge in this country . And along with many clues I’ve Uncovered I strongly believe that this is the HIVE . Or at least a secret place where they might come to run and hide to . I’m gonna make sure that I shine a very bright spotlight on it . Well its been a slice . 👏👍✌️♥️👊🏻