Why Reddit Sucks And Why You Should Go Full "Steem" Ahead!

in #steemit7 years ago

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation

of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of." - Edward Bernays

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth explains how reddit's viewership and reach now calls for the need for checks and balances via blockchain technology and Steemit.com is the answer to the current propaganda machine that is spinning out of control.

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I still cannot understand why everybody still keeps using reddit... it has been now a year that steemit was introduced...

Do they not know about it, or do they just think they won't get any money? Or that it is a scam or something...

One year is not a long time. Most people don't know about Steemit yet. And who know which other distributed ledger publishing platforms will come out to compete in the future, we shall see. May the best one win the masses!

To be honest I think the Steemit GUI needs some updating but I'm not sure if it is possible to work like Reddit / having subreddits because of patents?

Maxsteemed, and followed Thanks Brother!

For real! 😎

All the others are garbage in comparison and it's just a matter or time for others to see it and come on board.

I follow you everywhere else, but here is where I dig into your content and I here I can at least use my stake to provide something for the awesome work you do.

You know the others aren't doing that and from what I/we can all tell, are trying to do away with independent media and free speech in general.

Steem on @pressfortruth 🐳

I am a strong believer in this steemit community and think that it has the potential to go big, but every other platform will also exist on the internet, my point is steemit cannot cover the whole 100% internet, if steemit can reach to 10% of the internet users then this will be a revolution in making, but this will take some time and we the community members must try to bring more and more people along with good content plus also reward newbies in terms of vpvotes, comments and following as well, good luck to everyone out there @pressfortruth

Another great video with outstanding info for people to hear. Going to become a patron on patreon as soon as the credit card comes in the mail! Thanks Dan please keep it up

I think censorship, down voting and manipulations exists in steemit too and it may even be increasing. I hear people complaining that whales are flagging posts because they disagree with the post or believe that the post should not earn so much. This trend saddens me a lot as I thought Steem promised self censorship and not censorship by a group of whales. If they don't like someone's posts or comments they can just mute him. The flagging system should be removed otherwise we will just be another centralised social media platform where posts, comments and opinions that don't please the rulers will be censored and downvoted.

Good post ! I have dropped them all...pure steemer now...toot toot, keep up the good work Dan!

I stopped posting on FB a long time ago, whenever I posted anything important no one saw it unless it had puppies and kittens in it. This platform is totally cool!

Awesome. I think maybe Block chain technology and Steemit (and/or similar platforms) could be exactly what freedom needs at this point. Steemit for me is pure at this point. It reflects reality, like you said. I just hope there won't be flagging of "wrong" opinions etc.

When money is involved, people think twice about what they read/write! I think that makes a huge difference for us humans on the net that we aren't used to yet, but will change a way of life we've gotten accustomed too since the 90s. "Full Steem Ahead"

I think that as well. The overall quality of the posts will rise!

Who is ready for "blockchain" gaming?! Where one can be rewarded monetarily for his skillful gameplay...if this exists already please post a comment/link. Thanks!

I remember Digg! Btw... digg.com in a silent corner of the Internet? Maybe, but it's still around twice as popular as steemit.com according to Alexa!
Digg is in #699 while Steemit is in #1,290 ): -- but of course we're only getting started here (:

I just upvoted myself. Lol

Forget about Twitter, Facebook and all the others. Steemit all the way.

It's so rare to find media of any stripe that I find myself in constant agreement with, @pressfortruth is one of the few. Steem on Dan, you've been followed, upvoted and resteemed.

Hi Dan, I just wanted to checked in and greet you. You have been the person that made me got into Steemit after I watched your youtube video

I wish to thank you for showing me the way to Steemit. I am following you and contacting you only now since I was not sure whether I will be on the platform or not.

Here I am after 7 days on the Steemit. Thank you @pressfortruth

Keep up with the good work :) Cheers !!

I never got "in to" Reddit. When I went through reading some of the content I had determined that it was "not for me". Dan, You introduced me to Steemit a few days ago and it's the first time I've decided to get involved in an online community.

I wish I could trade all my Reddit Karma for Steem Power!

I'd trade that for 8551 Steem Power right now!! LOL


I UV fulll power but I am still drained man LOL.


** Never use a GIF as your first image in a post, it shows up greyed out and no image in the newfeed buddy **


And that is good info for anyone reading this learning!


Dan you keep up the good work. I have sent this along to the usual people for you. One is offline today.

wtf i dont understand, i upvoted and the $ amount went down $.09

Thanks for telling your viewers about this site. It is awsome!

Hey Dan! Great video as always. I'm so glad to see you here and I'm also very happy to see how well you are doing on Steemit. Keep it up!!!

Yes, you can tell when certain medias get compromised. Steem on with Steemit.

I actually wrote a post speculating on what might happen when redditers make the move to the far superior platform! I'm really curious how steemit handles the expansion. Check it out here > https://steemit.com/steemit/@harrynewman/will-expansion-destroy-steemit

The big question is who will be buying Steemit after it gets successful. Are the founders of Steemit really not interested in making a buck? What do you think?

Thank you @pressfortruth, totally onboarded with steemit!

I'm aboard the gravy train steemit :)

Great article. Full steem ahead!

You know what do i hate the most? Facebook lol, CEO is a multi billionaire but doesnt give back to the users (somebody like me and you) but in steem , atleast we get paid to upload content !

There are millions and millions of people who understand how deep the corruption and surveillance goes in our so-called modern world. Once they discover and participate in Steem, there is absolutely nothing stopping it from toppling FB. Especially when the masses starting thinking its 'cool' to be a part of the truth and freedom network ;)

But Dan, everything is susceptible of pump and dump. If you have enough money you can buy steem power and eventually do the same. Diversifying platforms helps a little.

Every social media sucks if you compare it to steemit. We just need time for more people to realise it and then steemit can go mainstream.

It's about time we took control back..............

Thanks again for your great videos. You bring me here in yours last youtube video. i have been a fan of your youtube channel for a while and hope my support on steemit will help you create more and more.

Very good post.... I like it :) I hope you make more :)

Awesome Video Dan!!! Keep up the hard work. I have been watching you for well over a year now. The Alt Media is taking over!!! be your own central bank!! When you have CNN saying they are making up stories about Trump you know we are winning !!!

Lets Steem!

Hello @pressfortruth, one way ticket to incredible wealth please, 1st class :)

Great channel, great content

Wow found you on youtube...and here you are on Steemit...I am from reddit too...

Just saw a video of yours and realized that one of the most useful ones I used to understand this platform and encourage others ALSO came from you. Just wanted to say thanks for that, @pressfortruth , and for explaining so clearly why this is such a worthwhile place to be!

Cool, I didn't know you published here first because of the blockchain censorshiplessness - is that a word? If not I just invented it.

Thank you Dan.
You are the reason I am on Steemit.
I have a deep respect for the content you create, as well as the integrity you have managed to hold on to.
I look forward to more press for truth.
I thank you for sharing Steemit with your viewers and hope to be able to show my gratitude in more ways, soon.