- There is no easy way around this, you have to work really hard to achieve your reputation goal. The reputation score depends on the up-votes you get in both your posts and comments, so these are the two areas where you have to invest time and mind power to increase your reputation score. you have to upload such good contents that people will love them and when they will upload you reputation will increase at a high rate I will only post high quality content. you don't get it for free, you've to earn it
- I will aim to post 1-2 posts everyday. quality is more important than quantity, because if your invest your time in creating good contents it will surely be a benefit for you
- You have to comment more frequently to increase your reputation and might attract people to your account which means more people and more upvotes and a increase in your reputation.
- You also have to be more aware of the rules of steemit if you are using a stolen content they will put a spam on you and then you reputation will go down at a high rate
- To attract people you have to use the best title you can think of being able to attract people
Thanks! Just getting started, so this helps.
Thank you for the insights. I like that quality over quantity. It is easy to make the mistake of wanting to post a youtube video every 10 minutes.
I also like the be aware of the rules. This is something that needs to be stressed to newer people. I was not aware of what copy a pic off the internet did to the reputation (with a reference to where it came from of course).
This should help everyone.
WELCOME TO STEEMIT :) Glad to see more people like you - here join the steemit! Being a steamboat is a great adventure! Here you can win money while blogging! At first it will not be easy, but it is not impossible. So just write it from your heart and everything will be fine. ! Applause! Wish you much luck! Greetings, @ilhampratama!
Thanks for the post! I just learned yesterday that your reputation is the little number in parenthesis by your display name, correct??
What does this do for you? Still learning about all this N00b Steem stuff.
Thanks for the tips, I agree 1 or 2 posts a day with good content is the way to go, also having a good title sometimes I spend more time on that lol...good job!