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RE: What is this?

in #steemit7 years ago

I stay, not because its better than anything else on a User Interface side, but for the idea. A decentralized blockchain based blog/social network that I can meet people from all over the world and at its core has none of the issues that something like facebook etc does.

Sure people can create accounts that flood comments and such, but I've never seen ads anywhere on the site outside of one that was put into a post itself.


Comment spam is a form of advertisement.
Gaming the trending page is advertisement.
Bots to vote are advertisement.

It's 90% of what I see on steemit. Abbott the same as Facebook et al

True, but that's not something that is built into the platform like a section for ads on Facebook. Its users abusing the system. Which in a relatively open system will happen.

It reminds me of the Eternal Golden Braid by...Hoffsteadter?

Maybe there is no getting out of the loops...