Wow how time is flying!
When I left for deployment you just turned 4 months old, and now look at you! The cutest darn little thing I have ever seen!
Evelyn Jo turned 9 months old today! Time won't stop going a million miles a minute. It feels like yesterday we brought her home from the hospital. 9 months is bringing a lot of new things, like slobbery kisses, lots of pull ups onto chairs, couches, and people, and sentences that are in baby language. While a lot of things are changing one thing remains the same, these birthday stickers are still interesting! We love you Evelyn ❤
Aww she is a cutie patutie. They do grow up fast. Enjoy these moments before she learns the say “no” to everything, hehe.
hhaha right? im excited to get home!
Wow, she's really cute. She will surely be happy to see daddy's post about her 9 months birthday on the blockchain when she grows ☺
hahaah that would be awesome! yeah all my pictures of her are up here, accessible forever!!
Happy Birthdayy :)
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thanks dude! shes getting big!
Cutie Pie Alert! 😎