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Hi everybody,
I'm new here in Steemit, or better, I was reading posts since while, but only now I decided to try contributing to this community.
The reason why I never wrote until now, although I was fascinated by this community, is that I was afraid that my posts were not appreciated and that I was disappointed.
I decided not to use my real name, but a nickname, which anyway I already use as well on twitter.
As you can understand from the nickname but also more from my English, I'm Italian.
The meaning of the nickname is provocative, this name has been given by me to one of my best colleague and confirmed also from many other.
in the case of discussions with friends or colleagues, instead of becoming agitated, as would normally expect, I remain voluntarily calm and peaceful.
This attitude causes a further interlocutor nervousness.
This attitude is so common and frequent to me that it became my nickname.
What my intention here in steemit:
The idea is to use steemit as my principal blogging platform.
I would like to post here my ideas, my comment of bitcoin and tech world, but also some guide that I retain that could be usefull to anyone.
I hope that someone could find my post useful in someway and I think that here for sure I will be less "provocatorio" because you cannot judge my not verbal communication (so irritating to many).
Another Italian,
You are welcome, very few italian here.
We should post something in Italian, to increase the community