Game Show That ALLOWS RAPE AND MURDER? Game2: Winter

in #steemit8 years ago

“There have been no reality TV projects before that stay on air 24/7. Probably all of you have watched the Lost TV series, but surviving in a tropical climate is quite different from trying to stay alive in the Siberian taiga at minus 40 degrees Celsius.” words said by the founder of this game show Yevgeny Pyatkovsky. A wealthy man who made his fortunes by creating a mobile application called "Antikollektor" an app that blocked texts and phone calls from debt collectors in Russia.

The Idea

A group of contestants (currently 114) will be placed into the woods of Siberia in Northern Russia in order to survive against the winter. Airing in early July via live-stream the ad on the website read “Each contestant gives consent that they could be maimed, even killed. 2000 cameras, 900 hectares and 30 lives.” There will be no laws and no other civilization, there for things such as rape, murder, theft, etc will be technically allowed.

The prize is 1.6 million US dollars which will be divided among the survivors (creating incentive to murder and eliminate other contestants) The land is known to house some of the coldest winters with temperatures plummeting to -35 degrees C (-31 F) on average and large populations of brown bears and other dangerous carnivorous animals lurking around.

Personally I am quite shocked that people would sign up to something like this knowing that their chances of survival are less than 50% and all depending on the amount of greed subsequent mercy a person choses to take on you.

heres the website:

Let me know what you guys think.


Steemit_Pryce.png @Pryce


It's a social research project, created and produced by talented advertiser which put a little to no effort in product distribution and marketing.

@tensorflow, thanks for responding :) I assumed it could be, thanks for letting me know, will be interesting nonetheless!