Safe spaces, trigger-warnings, white apologists, and rise in neo-libralists all products of today's Millennials. Men being shamed for the reproductive organs they inherited between their legs is a fairly new social-phenomena, particularly in this case the oh so despised 'White'"Male Privilege".
Gone are the days of the suburban traditional family, considered tainted with misogyny and 'old fashioned' belief systems by the high standards of today's liberals. Role reversal being sought after down to the very grain of everyday actions, actions as a male to female such as pulling out a chair on a date, taking care of the bill, carrying bags for women were considered gentlemen-like as little as 20 years ago, but today these gestures are viewed as ways that men trying to show oppressive dominance over a woman.
Gender role confusion is already on the rise, men and women identifying as one or two of the 101 available genders expecting the correct pronouns to be used and when they are not then its as offensive to them as if its as insulting as the act of defecating on their grandparents' grave. Political correct rules entangled with exceptions to what words are appropriate to use and whether some races should be given affirmative actions to pay up for Americas reign of "white supremacy" since the dawn of time.
With all these point in mind, we can only expect a depressed and confused generation coming to grips with reality checks when they hit the real world. A generation that's doped up on Zoloft among other SSRI's.