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RE: Blacklist?!?! Is The Steemit Platform Becoming A “Muppet Show?”

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

@dera123 I thank you for your polite and civil response, it is appreciated. With that said, I hope you will not be offended by my continued honesty about this matter.

As I said, it would be easy enough for @themarkymark to know that it was indeed my deviantART Page. When I post a screen shot status message, I hyperlink it back to my original post. Most of the time (unless I forget, which is rarely) I also add a steemit link BACK from the original post back to the steemit post. It would not have taken much of a research mission to find out who I was and how the content links. I do my best to cross-link all of my content as much as I can so that people have a connecting trail to follow for ease of navigation. Even if I did not do my best to take such measures, it still would not have been difficult to figure out and only would have taken him a moment.

Secondly, there is the matter of the header information on my Steemit profile itself:

Screenshot from 2018-04-22 08-27-17.png

My deviantART profile link is clearly visible for anyone with eyes to see and a fuck to give.

The next issue is a question I keep asking that never gets answered. Or rather a series of questions:

  1. Who IS @themarkymark?
  2. What gives HIM the moral, legal or any OTHER right to do what he is doing?
  3. How does he have direct administrative access to alter HOW THE ENTIRE STEEMIT COMMUNITY views content?

This is a massive concern of mine and I may never get the answer to those questions, but I'll keep asking them anyways.

The next item:

I morally, ethically, ideologically and in every other way FUNDAMENTALLY DISAGREE WITH AND AM OPPOSED TO his OVERALL ATTITUDE. I know "his type" well. Tyrannical and narcissistic. Thinks he knows whats best for everyone. Typical classic textbook psychology, as I've already stated. Misunderstandings or not, my disapproval of his conduct is unchanged regardless of whether or not he knew or did not know what offsite profiles were or were not mine. He is who he is, I am who I am. There is a clash there. That, is not a misunderstanding. That is called: he does not like me, that is unlikely to change. I do not like him, that is unlikely to change. That is mutual dislike. Total understanding of mutual dislike.

If he can show proof that he is a company owner and has full legal authority to do the things he is doing on this site, then I can simply submit a report to the BBB and call it good. Otherwise, he is an impostor trying to game the system and one with a bad attitude at that.

No, I am not a fan of "stealing" but as I've previously stated: I don't view the fair use sharing of content as "stealing" anymore than it is "stealing" to share an offsite link on Facebook (which is a monetized site through which its shareholders profit on advertising). It has been made clear to me that @themarkymark appears to have a fundamental misunderstanding of basic copyright law, the difference between plagiarism and merely sharing content, commentary vs fraud, etc. I've seen his bot mark posts where people were sharing their original photos that they took with their own cameras.

As you said, text has its perils so I am completely open to having this discussion in public on a live stream with him on my YouTube Channel. But because of the (lack there of) quality of his character, I feel the probabilities of him flat out turning me down are HIGH.

I don't feel he's looking for solutions so much as he is looking to throw his weight around. I feel his attitude to be anti-freedom, anti-liberty and I know for a fact that this whole fiasco has been discouraging new signups to Steemit, as I explained in full detail here:

He doesn't have to "like me" as a person and I don't have to "like him" but if "him and I being buddies or not" is going to be a determining factor as to whether or not I get abused by his bot or not, this automatically calls bullshit on his virtue signaling moral high ground.

I also stand up for the rights of those I disagree with so I fight just as much for his right to express himself as I value the rights of anyone else to do the same. He has the right to dislike me, and to say so -- in no uncertain terms. That is a part of freedom.

I'm also not intending to insult anyone who has tried to combat him on this issue either, but I also see from those people a very similar problem that I see from people in general when it comes to real world political and infrastructure abuses of power. Everyone wants to petition the abuser to stop abusing them, and so nothing ever changes and why should it? They're showing the authority figure that they're willing to do fuck all to rectify the situation, so why should the abuser give a fuck either?

This is what makes me different. I know that only through DIRECTLY CHALLENGING rather than petitioning, can anything get done. I am issuing a DIRECT CHALLENGE to @themarkymark's claims of authority. Everyone else wants to just complain. I'm willing to stand my ground and face off with him literally in a face to face public live stream. I am not a pussy.

Again, I mean no disrespect to the people who have issued grievances against him. Most of them are FULLY JUSTIFIED. I just think no one ever really taught them how to stand up for themselves in the face of a bully. No one ever taught me, either. Had to learn that on my own.

Anything I end up wrong about, I'm open to learning that I'm wrong and admitting that I'm wrong. But I need to be shown facts for that. Not this teenage bravado alpha male macho immature horse shit that @themarkymark seems to enjoy dishing out. His bravado and arrogant assumptions are not facts. Its just putting his dick on the table and expecting people to bow.

I don't mince words as you've noticed, so please don't take this reply as a disrespect towards you. I am merely being honest about where I stand. I'm not trying to be belligerent. Like you said, perils of text and all that.

Lastly -- Steemit's own FAQ states: "There are no official rules for participating on, but one of the users @ thecryptofiend has created an Etiquette Guide for the community. While it is not required to follow the suggestions in the guide, they are standards that many users in the community choose to follow."

This is also why I do not recognize @themarkymark's authority. Besides his shit attitude, of course :)