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RE: Eating Your Own Dog Food: Is the Steemit, Inc Team Regularly Using Steemit?

in #steemit7 years ago

Gotta be honest I think Steemit is dying. I put barely any effort into it anymore because it doesn't seem worth it. Too many spammers, scammers and even some whales acting like complete arseholes, then using voting weight to silence people who call them out.

If you're new you have to pay a voting bot to get any engagement (unless you have tits).

It's not retaining active users at all. The people whom I've introduced have all fucked off, the people I read and like have fucked off, and I would have powered down and fucked off too if I needed the money, I don't because I've made tens of thousands of dollars trading over the past fortnight. So might as well leave what little Steem I have and see if Steemit comes back.

Just being honest, which is another thing in short supply on Steemit, everyone's scared to be real because money is involved, so everyone's being plastic.

And then add the technical problems into the mix...


Haha , the tits comment , brilliant !