There you are. This was a long and laborious one and I was thinking, "If Lynn doesn't drop in here, I'm going to be pissed."
Yeah, I know, I'm "high maintenance." Don't care.
... Truly a testament to what is possible on this platform!
Ah, and that's what kills me. The potential of this place is MASSIVE ... if we could just get it to work like it was designed to work. Everyone knows what the problems are, the solutions are easy to understand and implement ... and yet ... it remains the Same Ol' Same Ol.'
Just stop the cheating and it would set off a dozen positive feedback loops.
I Swear Whales ... one of these days, I'm going to get so pissed off that I'll assemble a group of programmers, purloin STEEM/Steemit's code and build a competing blockchain. It will have simple, common sense Rules of Conduct and a mechanism for their enforcement. No cheating allowed. If you want to make money ... you create and/or curate High Quality Content.
And do you know what I'll call it?
And, if I get Lynn to go with me ... Steemit's dead ... she's this blockchain's "Homecoming Queen" ... the most eye-rollingly "Likable" person there is.
Merit!!! I love it. Too bad it wasn't called "Life"... that is, if life was really like that. No cheating. Hmmm...such a nice idea!
You know the way to my heart...and the way to guarantee I continue to support your posts haha