70 Rep, 30k SP Milestone Video On Dtube!!!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


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This is an exciting post and in fact a lot more exciting than my 35th birthday of which I just shared some posts of from the Epic Party.
Birthdays come and go as long as you don't die.....But higher reps on Steem have to be EARNED!

Of course the 30,000 SP is nice also, but that can be bought in a click of a button this 70 rep is the culmination of 18 months and 15,000+ posts on Steem!

Every single level is harder and harder so I am inspired to not only continue on, but step it up!

In this 12 minute video I talk about my experience on Steem for the last 18 months, how excited I am about the future of Steem and now especially that we have Dtube to dethrone TyranicalTube. The SteemPowered world just keeps getting better and better!

Of course I am wearing some of my hand made SteemGear promoting Steem as I always do and the jewlery is from my Jewlery line all of which are available for Steem! I don't just promote Steem as a social media site everywhere I go which pays you to "blog", but also as a superior currency to the corrupt government coins.

As always I will be powering up 100% of the Steem/SBD from this post to continue my perfect record of not cashing out or powering down a single Steem since I have been here in 18 months. This increases the value of Steem for us all!

I believe in the revolutionary potential of this platform and you Cutting Edge Steemians!

Thanks to all of you who have supported me here on Steem over the 18 months and thanks to all of you who haven't as well because your ALL a part of this awesome SteemPowered world we are creating together!

A special thanks to @ausbitbank @teamsteem @nanzo-scoop @canadian-coconut @kus-knee @meesterboom @eco-alex @luzcypher @lifemovedbysteem for the consistent support and of course to @gardenofeden @everlove @saramiller @qiqi-power @noki-power @truelovelives for being an intimate and profound part of my life outside of Steem and here within the SteemPowered world together!

For any of you not yet unplugged and awakened to the power of Steem its not to late!

∞§∞To SteemFinity & Beyond∞§∞a>

▶️ DTube


congrats man. big seven-oh! also, in retrospect, congrats on the big half seven-oh bday.

hahaha ur right, 35 is exactly half of 70!

Its funny that everyone on Steemit wants to be "older" and everyone out in the world wants to be younger haha

Congratulations Dear Quinn!
You have worked hard and been so focused on promoting steemit sense you started, you deserve that rep and steem power. I am so looking forward to what this brings to you, in turn, you bring right back to the world. Brandon and I are going to go to the Vegas steemit meetup, I can 't wait to see you and give a huge hug! Miss you :) Love ya.

Thanks for the love and support!

It is true I care a great deal about this platform and do promote it every day not just with all my content but with my living being.

Yes looking forward to seeing you again and finally meeting Brandon!

Conference is going to be great fun. See you soon!


Thanks I surely will!

This really is a magnificent milestone post--and a magnificent rep worth acknowledging and celebrating. Congrats on this tough achievement. This rep is a good signifier of the valuable content you bring to Steemit, and how appreciative people are for your presence here.

I'm grateful to see your content grow everyday, and that you're sharing your insight and super wisdom with the world. This platform is perfect for what you have to share. I have no doubt this is only the beginning! Thank god for @quinneaker!


wow,you are amazing.i like your post,my friend.thanks for your sharing,sir @quinneaker

That's a great dtube...Thanks for sharing...Resteemit...

Nice post. Thanks for your share. Good Luck.

your welcome, thanks for the comment


First off all wish you happy birthday .

Your story motivate me to stay in this community. I to want to achieve something on steemit.

Best of luck for your future project and wish you best of luck for you growth on steemit.

First of all really congratulations for your achievement of 70 reputation and 30000 SP and yes it's not easy to reach there because i know the pain behind it i am active from four and half months on Steemit Platform after full efforts on creating quality content and having healthy conversations with other and working for hours daily on Steemit, not yet reached to 100 SP, so i can understand your pain and efforts so keepup the great work and your post and your numbers are inspiring me to work hard more. Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. 🙂

Stay Blessed.

Yes its very difficult to succeed here on Steemit but it is possible. Also remember that just $1 is WAY MORE than you HAVE EVER made on FascistBook!

Really agree with your words friend. 🙂

good sign.go ahead.....@upvoted @resteemit

I appreciate the support even though based on ur rep you are likely a spammer.

Congrats on achieving the milestone buddy !
Yes I do agree buddy each level crossing them is difficult than before !We do believe that Steemit has a great potential and we do believe in the community !
Steem on buddy and all the very best for the coming stages of Rep.Score .

To SteemFinity & Beyond!

Congratulations my friend, that is a great milestone and a lot of effort on your part.

Yea literally thousands of hours hahahahaha
worth it though!

Big congratz, well deserved brother, keep the good vibes flowing 💛

Will do!

Awesome, can't wait to reach your level :D congrats.

Ya man I have invested thousands of hours here and its worth it!


Wow this is amazing

Congratulations 🎊 @quinneaker on accomplishing such a significant feat.

It's not just a feat, it's an encouragement to fingerlings like me. We'll get there, if we work hard and long enough.

God bless you and the team abundantly.

Great to hear! I hope to inspire people to succeed here on Steem!

This reminded me of the old Hawaii Five-O Intro's


Hey could do with someone like you here in the UK at the Mo with the weather we are getting and the poor homeless souls which are struggling, if only there were more like you. Peace Out....

Proud of you. You are really an inspiration. Upvoted and resteemed. Oh and Happy Birthday! (belated). Thanks for sharing with us! Joy