a lot of steemits problems are discussed in the whitepaper with detail.
Eliminating “abuse” is not possible and shouldn’t be the goal. Even those who are attempting
to “abuse” the system are still doing work. Any compensation they get for their successful
attempts at abuse or collusion is at least as valuable for the purpose of distributing the
currency as the make-work system employed by traditional Bitcoin mining or the collusive
mining done via mining pools. All that is necessary is to ensure that abuse isn’t so rampant
that it undermines the incentive to do real work in support of the community and its
Maybe time you read this: https://twitter.com/Tone_LLT/timelines/771370693212725248
anyways, back to the fun posts.
All I see is ranting. I watched his debate vid on youtube. Now just calling somene a 'bitcoin maximalist' doesnt negate their logic, but I do think he is just ranting. I understand the cynicism towards new coins...ultimately, the same could be said for any new bitcoin application. "Just put bitcoin in it" really.
Overall I enjoy the niche audience/community here on Steemit. Economic crap aside. SBD is 1.23$ bitcoin worth of canuck $ on changelly still.