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RE: Growth Proposal: Doubling The User-Base And Investors For Steemit Through S.E.O Efforts - Followed by my Growth-Idea

in #steemit8 years ago

We are still a little confused on what exactly you are proposing. You mentioned that you will optimize your posts with "blast keywords", but what are those keywords? How are you planning on integrating them into posts on a variety of topics? You talked about encouraging other users to assist you with these SEO optimized posts, but how can others effectively help with integrating these "blast keywords"? In your previous post you discussed all of these concepts, but it seems like you have just restated what you did in your previous post.

Don't get us wrong, we are all for increasing brand visibility and we would love to help. Simply upvoting your posts and commenting will undoubtedly support your efforts, but SEO from one person alone will not drive the entire effort. How can we engage a coordinated effort platform wide? Also how can this increase actual engagement vs. just bringing more eyeballs to the brand?


Hi @raftingmagazine

Just like @steemist said, you clearly missed that part of post. And you asked "what are those keywords?" Simply stating here those keywords mean that we're going to kick our own back and throw ourselves to failure "and I guess this indication is enough as you look smart".

I don't think I proposed enough in my previous post. This post contains a new update about steemit's current situation + recruiting people's support. I am glad that you are supporting us. Please follow me to receive updates regarding future post. I want to test something before I bring "Group Plan" in front of people.

Actually, I want to experiment this ranking procedure because there are different cases for each site. So, I'll first test my strategy with optimized posts (and possibly I will be doing off-page S.E.O behind the scene). I was busy all day today in researching and analyzing best keywords for Steemit (and for my upcoming post). I am glad that we are getting support from people including you.

Thank you very much for your comment.

@princewahaj Thanks for the clarification. We have been following you since your last post on this and we are intrigued with your proposals. Based on the last post we had interpreted this one as being the results of your research and SEO testing. I think our team was just looking forward to the roll out of your plan and implementing some of those strategies as editorial changes in our posts.

We aren't completely clear on what you mean when you say:
Simply stating here those keywords mean that we're going to kick our own back and throw ourselves to failure "and I guess this indication is enough as you look smart". Could you please clarify what you mean by that?

From an advertiser's perspective our manager in charge of SEO is all about this. More eyes on brand is certainly a great thing! While our whole team does not agree that pure keyword based SEO is the best use of resources, it certainly can give a much needed boost from a brand awareness stand point. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help in your efforts.

Seems like you missed what he mentioned in his post.

"I also plan to share some keywords with you so that we could work in shape of team, and since one person's ability and time is limited and sharing some keywords with you means that we will be speeding up the process of ranking. (I might prepare a detailed-post about this plan)"