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RE: How My Most Painful Investing Mistake Could Make You A Steemillionaire

in #steemit9 years ago

I made a similar mistake when investing in the altcoin 'Mooncoin'. For weeks I had been trading it against bitcoin and had been on occasion placing a trade and waking up another £250 richer... then one week I was away on a training course for my work and didn't have regular internet access. I had around £3000 in Mooncoin at the start of the week, one morning it dropped around £200, I didn't mind as experience had shown that it would rebound - that's how I had been making such huge gains so no big deal... it went up a little as the week progressed... then down a little... and then a little more... and then...

By the time I got home from my training course my £3000 holdings had become £75 :(

Mooncoin never significantly recovered.

I stayed well away from cryptocurrency for several months after.


Ouch! Great story. Glad to hear you recovered from that one.

Thanks! I definitely learnt a lesson with that one. I've still made a few silly calls since (cough cough... The DAO) but try to keep a much more long-term perspective with investments now and question what value they could have in several months to several years time based upon the actual fundamentals.

Yeah, the wounds from my later options trading losses are still a little too painful to write about :-). The lesson there has been it's much better to be a seller of options than a buyer!