A friendly gathering event is held at a famous hotel hall in lhokseumawe, which aims to communicate with one of the Indonesian people's representatives from Aceh.
In this friendly gathering event, mutual concern about the condition of aceh now, and doing work to build aceh forward in the field of infrastructure.
Many things in this show are explained, as well as the current state of society that lack of knowledge, and their ability does not develop, especially with the current situation of North Aceh which is so bad in the field of work.
In this case put forward by many circles to continue and develop in order not to happen things that the mukah can make the job is minimal, hence the purpose of this we gathered to discuss a better future so that students who have finished college can work according to their majors .
Not only do we expect that college finishes have to work as civil servants, but what we want now is not such but they can work in the company or be given the funds to manage the activity program according to their field in order to be the best and evoke from the worst of the economy today.
Dalam acara temu ramah ini, saling berbincang tentang kondisi aceh sekarang, dan melakukan kerja untuk membangun aceh kedepan dalam bidang infrastruktur.
Banyak hal dalam acara temurah ini di jelaskan, serta keadaan masyarakat sekarang yang minim pengetahuan, serta kemampuan mereka tidak berkembang, apalagi dengan keadaan sekarang aceh utara yang begitu terpuruk dalam bidang pekerjaan.
Banyak para Mahasiswa yang sudah selesai sekolah atau kuliah tidak tahu harus kemana disebabkan lapangan kerja yang minim.
Dalam hal ini dikemukakan oleh banyak kalangan untuk meneruskan dan mengembangkan agar tidak terjadi hal yang kemukinan dapat membuat lapangan kerja minim, maka dari itu tujuan kita berkumpul ini untuk membahas masa depan yang lebih bagus agar para mahasiswa yang telah selesai kuliah dapat berkerja sesuai dengan jurusan mereka.