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RE: Response to @dwinblood : Representative government is great, just need better reps! #steemit - #anarchism

in #steemit9 years ago

You find me a republican debate that had actual substance and talked about policy issues and not how big peoples hands are or how much of girl this guy is for 5 minutes and I will donate money to the Republican party.


Ok, but this has nothing to do with my post. Just a meme

It can be done.... not with the current cycle though. The same can be said of the Democrats too. I'll tell you now anytime someone bashes one party and not BOTH I'll likely chime up, because they both suck, and they both continue the same policies and direction regardless of how they may TALK in the election cycles.

You shouldn't donate to PARTIES. The parties are part of the problem. If you are going to buy into to representative form of government we supposedly have then find someone that best represents YOU and donate to them. Not the party.

If you play the party game you might as well walk around officials bent over so they can f@$% you whenever they want to. :)