Why I don't care about curation rewards

in #steemit9 years ago

I got asked recently about the best strategy for upvoting things. I presume they meant for the steem rewards.

Something bothered me about that...

If I'm upvoting something, it means I want to reward the CREATOR

Not myself. That's the whole point - I liked what they did and I want to reward THEM.

The 30 min mark

After 30 min you share nothing with the creator for your curation rewards of upvoting their content. Before 30 min you share with the author. If you upvote instantly, then the author would get all the rewards.

Maybe I'm weird but I'd rather it goes to them.

Unless you are a whale, curation rewards are TINY. Even with my steempower over 2k, it's like... 2-3 steem a WEEK. Seriously? That's not even enough for a sandwich.

And some people are worried about getting the biggest bite of that not-sandwich.

Fuck the rewards

Give them to the person who did something positive. Give them the whole sandwich. The thing is, they will often give you one in return. It feels better, it's seriously less work, and it actually makes sense.

World's best upvote strategy is as follows

Vote for what you like, instantly. Give them a big ol' hug.

That's it. All there is too it. If you have enough steempower to have it be worth your time to care, then you don't need the reward.

If you don't have enough steempower for that, then the reward isn't really worth anything anyway.

Just vote on what you like. And stop playing silly games with the upvote button.

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Why I do care about curation awards:
Curation reward of 22.503 STEEM POWER for someguy123/anonsteem-create-anonymous-steem-accounts-without-social-media

My post just Zooosh!!! Love it ❤️Thanks @neoxian

Indeed - FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out for those who don't know) gets many to panic and find in-roads to being a success on Steemit when the key is really reaching out to people and connecting with THEM. My votes don't count for sh*t but I try to follow up with a comment with that little up arrow to let them know I'm paying attention.
Thank you for pointing this out to people. Too many need a reminder.

Upvoted in less than a minute. BOOM!

I think the idea of voting to reward yourself and not the creator of the content seriously distorts the point: Curation is there to reward content you genuinely appreciate.

At least I don't see that meme dollar vigillante on my feed now, any serious person that would visit steemit to see that we are his kingdom would make think of us as jokes. finally I am not going to get pissed by his attitude in daily bases, as for votes. I only vote for low reps. I don't care about rewards, just content.

If you do the right thing, then maybe they'll follow you and be returning the favor over and over again.

100% upvoted, i do it the same way.

Supported ✅👍❤️
Wasting too much time here.

I totally agree, give the rewards to the author they did the hard work they deserve the prize, Think it's all to much hard work out when the best time to comment fgs just do it and move on to the next post

Even if you wait until the 30 minute mark the reards are minimal unless you have a LOT of steem power.
I just upvote stuff i like and if doing it in the first few minutes add's a little to their balance fantastic.

I think the biggest curation reward is to find the quality content in the first place. There are many great articles that I added to my bookmark site because I want to be able to find them again and reread them. I have only been on Steemit for less than a week, and I have been very impressed by the great posts that I find everyday. Thank you for touching on this subject!

Thanks for sharing this material, I like what you posted. Thank you so much

biggest bite of that not-sandwich


Thanks for posting this. The 30 min thing is interesting. Don't understand it quite yet, still new. Since voting going to 5 a day that counts will be also interesting.

Totally agree..good post

I totally understand!!
I kinda (sorta) get what is happening. I was wondering if it made a difference if I voted for my own posts or not. Would that hinder my chances to have more views? What's the promote button doing and how much does it take to make your post seen? What is my steem power powering? lol I've read the whitepaper (currently rereading) and I think they need to dumb things down a touch.

Read my last post about the new voting system, that will help.