The Steemit Echo Chamber - Why we need to change

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

There is a worrying trend happening on Steemit right now. We are collectively creating an echo chamber of the same ideas and upvoting and praising in an endless cycle. Yes, Steemit is a great platform. Yes, it's revolutionary and a complete reworking of the idea of social media.

Do we need to be told 20 times a day how great Steemit is?

We have some great bloggers on here publishing great stories. We also have some great bloggers publishing nothing more than Steemit puff pieces. By upvoting the puff pieces we are telling the world that the content that has the most value is...well...advertising.

Advertising is from the 'old world'. We have the power to say we don't need that here. What we need to do is to start rewarding those that add value without resorting to altering their work to sell the platform.

Waitaminute...random-potato, haven't YOU done that very thing?

I have and we're all guilty of it. We see the posts that are trending, doing well, making SteemPower. We want to emulate their success so we jump on the bandwagon. Maybe it's time we stop. Maybe it's time to step out of our comfort zone and start looking at content that isn't about 'How to do well on Steemit', 'How to get noticed', 'Why Steemit is the bestest thing everrrrz'.

We are the reason Steemit will succeed, yet we are also the reason it will fail. The future of this platform is in our hands so let's make the right choice. 


Yep, I agree with you, but I want to hear this truth from potato!
Where is potato in you post?!

I occasionally step out of character to write non-potato things. Don't worry there will be more potatoes soon! I promise.

Spot on - new users need to look at the platform and ask themselves "What can I bring that isn't already here?" And steady users that have become disillusioned with payout disparities should ask themselves the same question ;-)

"What can I bring that isn't already here?" I brought potatoes, it's not very popular but it's kind of going against the current trend. I am going to try and be more thoughtful with where I put my upvotes from now on.

I understand why you might think this but also consider that it is still a revolutionary and relatively brand new website. A lot of people don't understand it yet, including me as you can see this is my first comment. This may be why the circle jerk type posts are upvoted.

I think it may just be a phenomenon that will slowly diminish as the novelty of the site wears off and people start to get used to it as a concept. Until then many users are searching for "the catch" of writing for free due to not reading the white pages completely (guilty).

Give the site some time to gain equilibrium and new content. Posts like these aren't bad for the site, I just think the project is just currently scaling and as a result we get the kind of front page content that is frustrating. It isn't a sign of the site failing though, think of it as growing pains.

To me it's kind of like how Facebook shows you content based on what you 'like' or give attention too. If we keep up the current trend we run the risk of creating a bubble for ourselves and miss out on what may be great content. You're probably right though, the site is still quite new and given time it might balance itself out naturally. Anyway, thanks for reading my post.

Well said @random-potato, although I have enjoyed your potato gems (haha see what I did there). But in all seriousness, you are right. Every time we up vote, we are not only rewarding content but also voting for Steemit's future and the kind of platform we want it to be.

Ha I'm glad somebody enjoys my potato gems :) I've stepped out of character to make a more serious post, but don't worry, there will be more potatoes soon!

the only way to move this platform forward is to try been creative and build on ourself ideas because the future of this platform rest on our shoulders

Very true!

Thanks @shannon1566 I'm glad you took the time to read and comment on this!

Nice ◑‿◐

Thanks! I'm glad you like it.