There's a point when all new technology hits mass acceptance and becomes mainstream. Are we at that point? I'd say we're not even close.
Simon Sinek has a great talk about this in his TED Talk How Great Leaders Inspire Action.
If you skip to the 11 minute point, he discusses the Law of Diffusion of Innovation.
Summarizing his point, if you want mass market acceptance of an idea or innovation, you need to reach the "Tipping Point" which means 15%-18% acceptance. Then the early majority rushes in and the technology/innovation becomes mainstream.
I've known about cryptocurrencies for years, even though I never adopted them until recently. Now there's Steemit. I've only known about Steemit for a few months, but it didn't take me long to decide that I wanted to be in on it early (if you consider this early).
Friends, there will become a point where everyone and their mother has a Steemit account. At this point, I am content in the fact that many people still have no idea what Steemit is and it will take them some time to come on board. I feel like we are early adopters of this innovation and I'm proud to be one of the early ones to get on this platform and help it grow.
What percentage of market acceptance do you think we are on? Comment below and let's talk about it!
Interesting. There is surely some seriously growing interest now. If we as pioneers keep on liking what we do here, this tipover might happen but many factors can still send it the other way, it is definitely very exciting.
True. I think since we are all on this platform, we naturally feel that nothing can stop the movement. But nothing is immune and there is always the possibility that the platform just doesn't catch on. If there are some missteps, maybe they make a tweak that becomes unpopular, then it could drive people away and the tipping point is never reached. Then you get the competitors...Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms that might block content to deter growth. I'm not a fan of the suppression that Facebook has been doing to deter people from becoming informed about this platform. We're gonna have to spread it the old fashioned way...word of mouth!
Indeed those on this platform at moment are early adopters.. Steemit will be adopted much more.. there is a real innovation and the people are getting rewarded for their effort , which is the USP to make steemit much bigger. We all see a day its as popular as facebook or twitter..
I agree. Plus the nature of the internet is that it can spread without knowing borders or even geographical barriers. 7 billion+ people in this world...maybe a few hundred thousand on Steemit. I'd say this movement has some room to run!
Yea, we are likely at the beginning of the early adopter curve.
I agree. There's a lot of space for this to grow. I'm kind of thinking we are at the 7-10% level right now. There is no justification or evidence for me to make such a claim and maybe it also is derived from some deep psychological need for me to be at the ground floor of something big. But at this point, that is kind of what I am thinking.
I believe it is still early adoption phase. That being said I also believe that a mass adoption or explosion of interest is going to be very slow coming or even unlikely. I say this not because I don't believe in the platform but because of the already established competition and the crypto stigma. Most people I know will never hear about Steemit because they are not involved in the circles of people who promote it. I only heard about it a week ago. Plus, from what I gather from people around me, crypto currencies are regarded as a waste of time or at worst even a scam. I believe Steemit does have a chance to go big, it's just not going to happen anytime soon.
Just my thoughts coming from someone new to the steem and crypto world. Apologize for book and bad grammer.
I completely agree. And as popular as crypto currencies are, I think they are ALSO in early adoption phase. Once cryptos begin to gain some momentum (though I agree there is a stigma and it will become even worse as some of the lesser quality cryptos implode), then the appeal of this platform will reveal itself.
Looking at the bell curve, it could take a little while for cryptos and Steemit to gain wide appeal, but once it does, I feel that we will see growth at a crazy pace. This is the main reason I got in now versus waiting for the more broad acceptance of this community. Word will get around, though!