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RE: Tron to Acquire Steemit, Inc.?

in #steemit5 years ago

I'm sorry to hear that someone attacked you and your family. It saddens me to hear that people are still being physically attacked simply because they say controversial things. After reading some of your blog, I can say that I disagree with many of the things that I've read, but I don't think that you saying those things qualifies as something that would justify my even verbally attack you about, let alone being reason to commit a violent act. We really need to shift society towards something that frowns upon physically harming people for saying things we don't like. I'm happy to say that I've left most of those tendencies in my childhood. I just wish more people did.


I completely agree with you that disagreement regarding issues is natural and necessary in order to enable those undertaking discussion to improve their understanding, and the participants to benefit from it.

Some people don't seek understanding or societal benefit. Some of them kill people to steal their drugs and sell them for money. When these act are committed by police, who employ snitches to take down their competition, and thugs to murder whistleblowers, they seek to destroy free speech and public discourse solely so that they can continue to profit from murder.

Those people, and their ilk, are the enemies of freedom, society, and every man, woman, and child everywhere, and I oppose them. If I do so in person, or identifiably, every threat imaginable are credibly used to prevent me from speaking out, and the lives of my children have been part of those threats, while attempts made to beat me to death in front of them have been undertaken.

From these experiences I have learned that no government power is safe in the hands of anyone, because it is provable that corruption is always covert and hidden, and depends on unjustly coercing free people to sacrifice their freedom of action and conscience to submit to overlords and thugs they deploy as minions. I have also learned to seek to reveal such crimes pseudonymously, so that my free speech does not become a death sentence to my children, whose safety I alone bear personal responsibility to ensure.

If you can think of a way to prevent criminals who have infiltrated institutions that claim to have authority over ordinary civilians from doing so, I would be happy to consider it with care. Nothing I have ever been told will do so will, and I currently am convinced that the elimination of institutional power is the sole means of ending violent abuse, and the corruption and parasitic extraction of wealth from free people most profitable to the most rapine psychopaths.

I see that decentralization of means of production in the myriad ways they have begun to eventuate do this, and as they further develop and disperse, centralized wealth and power is incrementally decreased as decentralization increases, and I call this a good start.

I would be happy to consider any opposing viewpoint that stems from reason, as whenever I am wrong, I want to change my mind so I can become right. The truth; facts, set us free, and lies and minunderstanding reality are chains of ignorance that trap us in psychological and mental captivity, prevent our full power to benefit ourselves and each other justly and voluntarily. I don't want to be wrong, even if I am strong or convincing enough to convince people I am right.

I want to be actually factually correct, regardless if I can enable anyone else ever to do so themsleves.

You may not seek to coerce people into silence, but you are not what everyone must be, and the litany of examples of abusive, tyrannical governmental power is inexhaustible, and I will oppose it though my only reward for doing so is death.
