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RE: FVL Reduced to 625 in preparation for next week's big upgrade!

in #steemit7 years ago

It seems like the new rule will discourage any new users from joining if they are under the FVL since the benefits will be so small compared to lost VP. Maybe brand new users won’t miss their vote but people like me in the 300s will not want to join at all. Am I missing something?


New users begin at 1 Shadow Rank already and earning 25 will greatly earn them! New users can begin to earn and/or power up to be over the FVL. Either way our promise and mission to all is to ensure good steemians are the ones who benefit from our system most. We always take feedback and make tweaks to ensure everyone has a fair chance of earning!

Oh sorry I missed the 25 part somehow. My apologies. That sounds better.

Our mission has been and always will be to ensure everyone who works hard earns!