"The dog is the best friend of man," says a very well-known adage, and anyone who has this wonderful animal in his home knows how true this phrase is. No matter what their greatness and whether they belong to one race or another we love them, but do we even know all the races of our friends who walk on the 4th? Probably not, because there are over 500 different dog breeds today in the world! Of course we have all heard of the popular and popular breeds such as Labrador, Golden Retriever, Pinchers, Bulldogs, etc. But what about the rarer ones that are not so common in our country and we do not encounter in most homes? There are a number of dog breeds that are so unique, interesting and unusual that you can not ignore them, so we have prepared for you a list of 8 dog breeds that are exactly the same, and you will certainly be very happy to know them.
1. Tibetan mastiff
This breed, whose origins can be guessed from the region of East Asia, was common since ancient times in Tibet, India, Nepal and Mongolia. These impressive dogs, with the elegant mane around their necks, were the watchdogs of peasants for their flocks of sheep against other carnivores. So make no mistake in their innocent appearance, because when they attack, they can certainly be cruel. However, today it is a luxury dog for all intents and purposes, when the price of this breed of dog can rise to $ 1.5 million, making them one of the most expensive dogs in the world. Incidentally, they were mistakenly named by the first Europeans to come to Asia, and were first encountered in this breed of dogs. They do not really belong to the Mastiff family, and a suitable name for them could be Tibetan mountain dogs.
2. Peruvian Inca Orchid
Descriptions and drawings of this breed of dogs have already appeared in ancient works of ancient civilizations in Peru, dated 750 BC, indicating that it has very ancient roots. Researchers believe that the Incas - the ancient empire of which Peruans are considered offspring - worshiped these dogs and considered them to be a kind of idol. Today it is one of the few bald dog breeds that exist, and although they are considered great dogs, it is not easy to grow them because they need many preparations and baths to prevent their skin from burning, developing acne or becoming dry, and they do not get along very well in warm weather.
3. Bedlington Terrier
These small, cute little dogs, who come from the city of Dillington, England, have short, curly fur, which makes many people confused with young patches. Originally, these dogs were intended to hunt pests in the mining areas of northern England, but over the years they have become pet dogs that are also used as companion dogs, exhibitions and even racing dogs. It may be surprising to find out, but despite their small dimensions they are athletic and very fast, have excellent swimming ability, and can defeat almost any dog of any size.
4. Chinese Crested
If you want to understand how human intervention has affected the creation of new dog breeds, you can look at the tufted Chinese trunk - the rare, special species of dogs. This breed of dogs has not always been hairless, but has become such through deliberate breeding of genetically modified dogs. The origin of this breed is not entirely clear, and despite its name, there are those who believe that it originated in Africa, where a number of bald dog breeds originate. In any event, today it is a very noble dog, with a proud walking and a gentle and not aggressive character at all.
5. Griffin Bruxellois
Some say that the funny little dogs, who came from the Belgian capital Brussels, inspired George Lucas, the creator of the fantasy Star Wars series. It is argued that the Griffin inspired the design of one of the trunks of the imaginary creatures presented in the series, although this has never been proven. Either way, it is a breed of dogs with an unusual appearance whose round head is large in relation to the body, but still maintains balance in appearance. Despite their somewhat sullen appearance, the griffins are rather kind and pleasant dogs who like to hang out with their owners and get along well with other pets.
6. Catalan Shepherd Dog (Catalan Sheepdog)
As their name suggests, these furry dogs whose long hair usually covers their eyes are in Catalonia, Spain. They were originally guard dogs for shepherds, and later as rescue dogs for the Spanish army and police. Although their fur adds a certain amount of volume, these are not particularly large dogs, and they usually develop to a moderate extent and nothing more. These dogs tend to be very loyal to their owners, with a pleasant temperament and a good and protective character.
7. Bichon Frise
The tiny, sweet dogs of the Bechon Priza breed were among the most beloved of the nobility of Europe and of the various royal families of the continent, and it is not difficult to understand why. Their royal fur, the pleasantness of their faces and their small size, make them perfect companion dogs. Originally the breed came from the Middle East, but when brought to the "Old Continent" by various seafarers, it conquered hearts in France, Spain and Italy. Today these dogs are common dogs for families, and they have considerable intelligence and make them easy to train.
8. Fox Hair Terrier Fox (Fox Terrier Wire)
These specially "bearded" breed dogs were originally developed in England by hunter-gatherers who initially used these dogs for fox hunting purposes. The hairy trolls would chase the foxes to the depths of the caves where they were hiding, and their owners would pull them out by pulling them in their tails. Later on, as their circulation grew, they also served as dogs of the British royal family and became populists during the 1930s. Today it is a very popular race in various dog shows, and hairy terriers have won more than any other race in the prestigious competition of the Westminster Kennel Club in New York.
Source - www.baba-mail.co.il
i love dogs, i have a peruvian inca, i´m allergic
i love dogs to...but i dont have...i hed but now i dont have...
I have a bedlington...thank you for sharing such amazing breeds.