Well it seems in today retail world that early is late and on time is too late. So I work for a company that believes in real early. No hidden surprise here, I have been in Retail for over 27 years and I can't remember 1 of those years every being easy.

We start getting ready for Christmas in May with the hope of being ready by September 1st. Well we seem to be a little ahead this year. I can remember in my early retail years, you didn't see the 1st sign of Christmas until the day after Thanksgiving (better known as black Friday)

Waiting till Thanksgiving would not work in todays day and age. Everything is in such a rush and has to be done early. This seems to be the world we live in now. I think A lot of our troubles in this world and life are brought on by the speed everyone wants the world to move at now.

So the hurry up and wait came will always continue, until we slow it down.

If you happened to be one of the ones that is thinking about setting up the Christmas tree this weekend, then I can get you fixed up with everything you need.

There is something about setting up all this Christmas merchandise while its 100 degrees outside.

At this rate, do not be surprised if you start seeing Christams the day after Easter, or maybe even the day after Valentine's day. Anyways, there you have it, now you see what has been taking up so much of my time. Christmas is almost here and I am Ready.
Thanks for stopping by!
Not sure this is a good sign. No Back to School, No Halloween, No Thanksgiving lets go straight to Christmas. Shelf space is the most important real estate in the store. Someone has decided to occupy this space with Christmas????? An overreaction to the tariffs on Chinese goods? Someone bought all they could before the tariffs got put in effect? Zero prospects for the other sale seasons? This means something, either a big mistake or someone is throwing a "hail Mary" pass, in the hopes that Christmas can save retail. Stack on brother, I take this as a sign that not all is well, the storm is coming and this could be evidence that the first squall line has come ashore.
That's crazy man. I can't believe you all have Christmas stuff up. Wow.
That is an amazing thing. We are in early August an all is ready for Christmas! In Brazil people start to prepare only in November...
That’s absolutely nuts Ray. It’s still 90 degrees out.
I was in to get my sister a birthday gift and was amazed to see it all. I much prefer Halloween and love the fall things that are out as well.
I love Christmas. They should stock this stuff all year round in my opinion. Lol
I can not even wrap my head around the idea of setting up Christmas stuff right now. My mind is fundamentally opposed to such a notion. Can't do it, won't do it. I can see starting to think about Christmas potentially after Halloween (only as a compromise), but not really until after Thanksgiving (the one at the end of November, just as a clarification to our friends in the Great White North).