You've guessed it. I'm a writer. And I write lots. Tons in fact. Today I've probably written over 10,000 words alone on the web somewhere or another. Some of my posts have made it to the big leagues and I want to give you a sure-fire guide of how to do it.
Be yourself.
You hear it in the dating world all the time, and it stems from telling cracking fibs because she's going to end up knowing you in the end, so why lie in the beginning?
Same with your readers my friend.
And your readers are nowhere near dumb - most of them can sniff out a bullshit article a mile away hidden under a ton of other stuff and camouflaged. Just be yourself and write from the heart.
How hard can it be?
If you like cars, write about cars. If you like boats, write about boats. If you enjoy the theory of particle physics then write about it. Any writer that loves what they do will tell you that you need to write something stokes the passion in your heart and keeps those embers burning from years to come.
I could write about Particle Physics. Probably, and one article after a ton of research, if I'm lucky. But if you ask me to write about humanity I can churn out thousands of articles thousands of words long. You see?
Passion is what makes us write.
And if you make nothing? Then there's always next time. If you look at every trending posts author they'll only have one or two that's made it out of a lot more.
So don't get too hooked on making the big leagues. Enjoy writing for what it is, and perhaps soon, or one day it might just pay off on here.
Rome wasn't built in a day, you know!
Congrats on the Dan upvote, keep at it!
Agreed! Persistence is the key. When in rome, build as the romans build! HAHA see what I did there?
Congrats on the trending post. Thank you for posting. Hope you get ever more to snowball to the top!
I up-voted you too... BTW, should steemit let us steemers advertise using steem? Be sure to tell everyone you know to come vote here at:
This is a democratic community decision.
Upvote for in house steemengine user steempost ads!

Wow :D - I just fainted at this haha!
Great post btw!
"You hear it in the dating world all the time, and it stems from telling cracking fibs because she's going to end up knowing you in the end, so why lie in the beginning"
This is so true, people should realize this is block-chain and after some time you can't delete what you have written in it. It's like writing a bible, except this software doesn't upgrade/change your content. :P
"your readers are nowhere near dumb - most of them can sniff out a bullshit article a mile "
I like to mention to people the incident with Craig Wright trying to fake being the creator of bitcoin, sure he "tricked" a few devs and lied in front of media, but it took the crypto-enthusiasts 1 hour to detect the fake signature.
"Enjoy writing for what it is, and perhaps soon, or one day it might just pay off on here"
The power of reddit, even though the users there get paid imaginary karma points, every now and then you see a post from a random youtube channel or blog that someone has linked there, getting so much positive traffic and attention by a random mass of people that the person who created the content usually goes: "what happened here?!" I've seen channels go from 100 subscribers to 500k in a night.
Steemit will turn everyone into writers! :)
I agree!! - love your enthusiasm by the way :)
I know the feeling haha, @berniesanders upvoted a comment of mine once and it felt more awesome than actually meeting the real Bernie Sanders. :D
Haha, yes!!
hey man thanks for this. Im new to the whole writing thing, just trying to write everyday and get better.
Stick at it dude - write what you enjoy - not what you think other people will enjoy. You'll learn in time to infuse them both together :)
Imagine how much harder it is for people that speak english as their second or third language. Respect to those who try! :)
Definitely - much respect. It isn't easy :)
Really nice post. I may have to refer back to this when I next find myself in an unmotivated state of mind.

Great Post! I'll keep my focus on what I love!
Yep! Thank you :)
maybe i write some articles here in steemit in the future, thanks for your personal toughts 8]
I agree 100%. Write about what you love, else you won't be able to write consistently on here. Another thing; people will feel that you are passionate about the topic, this will get you more upvotes.
Agree completely! Passion shows through writing just as it does through in the person :)
Great stuff ! I have already come across steemit members whining about not making any $ from posts they thought were sure fire hits! I myself spent 3 hours recounting my experiencing eating fully developed duck fetus in Manila and didn't make anything. Was i going to other posts and commenting the link in other people posts and complainimg that it should be worth gold? No! I hope people got something out of it but i know its just one of many posts to come so i will keep working on my craft! Passion is key. You hit the nail on the head!
Thank you - I've had posts that I thought would be totally killing it, yet they tanked and earned nothing. But that's just the way it is! Get up, try again :)
Thanks alote !
No, thank YOU :)
So write, write, write... and remember about copyright!
Yes!! You can't look back at other peoples work and say, "aaahhh, I did that :)"
did you make that beautiful picture?
No - that's not mine, no. The credit is on the picture, though :)
Interesting article
Thanks, its really useful and inspires!
Good. I'm glad. Thank you! Stick at it!
Short but inspiring guide thank you very much
Thank you, too :)
Love it! Good tips! I will keep it in mind.
Awesome :)
Couldn't have hit the nail on the head any harder.
Even articles by good writers written on a topic they don't care about end up sub-par at best. Readers can feel the energy and passion of the writer through their words, grammar, punctuation, all of it!
If an article is on a topic you like, but doesn't excite you (because the writer couldn't even excite themselves) you aren't nearly as likely to upvote or engage it with comments.
Exactly :)
Awesome advice.. I've never been much of a writer but I do try ;D
But I did try to put my words on a video about Steemit and taking it to the next level.. check it out and please let me know what you think :D
enjoyed it - left a comment, thank you :)
you're right, rome was built in 10.263 days... roughly
Help me, plz!
great article, i like it
Phew! 195 upvotes. Just a few could have been awkward ;D.
Seriously...good post and advice. Im keen to share my passions. Steemit has energy.
Amazing! This post gives me hope :)
Thank you :)