Are you late to cryptocurrencies?

in #steemit8 years ago

Something very weird happens these days. More and more people seem to talk, discover and ultimately buy cryptocoins. Mostly btc and eth so far but as soon as they research they go down the rabbit hole..and as know here, there's a deep abyss in that hole!

But the most common thing that people say when they finally discover something they think it's going to be huge is:

"I wish I would have known last year!!"

"Am I too late to crypto currencies?"


In essence, everyone thinks they're late to the party. They want to get in but the price is a bit too big for easy access. They check history and are in disbelief. "Oh wow, just last year, it was 11$!!!"
What happens now is that it takes a great deal of decision to get into btc/eth these days because the price gives everyone pause.
A year ago it was an impulse buy - Hell, 10$/eth! sure, let's get 20 who knows?!?! -
Now, it's an investment decision which is a more rational decision and ultimately, almost anyone might decided two things:

  1. They don't really know or understand where cryptocurrencies are going.
  2. It's not gonna go up by much so buying now it's useless.

But is any of this true?
Sure, we don't know where crypto is going, but decentralization and blockchain are such HUGE ideas that have such a wide appeal and application that it's almost inevitable that they will start to be used at some point as it was intended. If you think about it, it's a wonder they aren't yet the new normal. But in any case, it seems that this is a technology that is here to stay and has no immediate threat or improvement. If quantum computers don't become a reality, crypto is not going anywhere.

Having said that, does this mean the price will go up?
Hmmm. There's actually a rational way to go about answering this questions. We need to look at the marketcap and at the coin supply. These two very important number can open your eyes to the possibilities. Most people I've seen around here, discussing the price of steem like it's a number attached in the vacuum.
I am as big a beliver in STEEM as anyone and I want it to do well but come on. STEEM at 700$?
Dear god, just because we can post anything doesn't mean WE SHOULD. Also, basing your decision on suspiciously little information is not great but dragging your followers with you in your delusion is criminal!
Let's look at the numbers!

I'll make here an analysis on STEEM.
Right now there's a coinmarketcap of $257,950,581 for a total supply of 250,546,702. Valued at about 1.10$.
Should I buy now?
What needs to happen for a steem to be ...15$. Which is a more realistic, if optimistic, prediction.
Again, we need to multiply the desired price [ 15 ] by the amount of coins and see that Steem needs a marketcap of 3.7billion dollars. This does not take in account the new minted coins, let's not forget that a coin with no cap has inflation. Short term we'll ignore that.
So now we this even possible?!
4billions seems like A LOT.
Indeed it is.

But now you look at Reddit/Facebook to see how much marketcap is possible and you'll notice that the numbers are a lot higher. In fact, one might think that 3.7billions while a huge number, is maybe even too small for the potential of Steem. Other might say that it will never ever be that valuable. Who's right?
Answering this question is hard, but I think it's almost inevitable that at time goes by, the value goes up as cryptocoins become mainstream. What people don't realize is that those big numbers are not even that big!
[ For the record, for steem to be at 700$ we need a coinmarketcap of about 25billions]
Is this good enough to invest now though?

I think this is entirely up to each person, as they see fit and how much they have to gamble with. But a big number for something you don't necessarily understand is NOT a sign that you are too late. If it has value, maybe one could sigh in relief that they're so early...

Time will tell!


The time is now. This is always true, I feel. I know about Bitcoin for a few years now but I never really tried to understand it until I found steemit. Seeing that is also just starting is a sign that crypto is just at it's beginnings in many ways. So how can it be too late then? Thanks for the great post.

same path into cryptos for me. its a fun and interesting time.

I've been into BTC for a while now. I understood it as much as I needed to to make a little bit of money off of it. It never gained my attention like Steem has. The ability to mesh social network and cryptocurrencies to me is astounding and makes me very hopeful for this new tech we have. We are on the cusp of something quite amazing. I started researching it and other cryptocurrencies once I got into Steem and I see now that the possibilities are endless. Steem in my opinion has absolute potential.


Thats exactly right 😊

that sums it up, man!!

To gain any insight into the potential market cap of steem, you must first examine the landscape which it targets: media. Looking at the 700$ steem as a possibility - steem would need to be a major player in the industry, along the likes of The New York Times.

If in a singular fashion, the steem blockchain became the primary publisher on the planet - the multi billion dollar markets are reasonable. I do not think that steem will achieve this alone. There will be many content blockchains with their own uniqueness.

Another thing to consider about market cap is that blockchain technology enables a bunch of other things that traditional media does not. User accounts with reputation (which has value in itself), being able to follow/reward individual content creators, not being tied to a single publishing house.

On the other hand some costs of having a public blockchain include the inability for steem-holders to profit from data mining user's data (since it's public and everyone can data mine it), publishing and curation tools are still in their infancy (for those who want to publish a controlled message), and the ability to publish with a centralized like model (still desirable as many many people are accustomed to the format).

Great response. I feel there will be many different chains along a spectrum of user permissions and oversight.

now that's an argument i can get behind!! thanks for the comment.

Thank you for the post! If we have a look at the market cap at certain busnesses... Facebook for example or the value of all USD in cirrculation, the Crypto worl has so much more space to grow. I personally believe that we are in an era of immense growth and not just a bubble as everyone predicts it to be. Only time will tell!

Steem ON!

Luckily I am not late, just maybe selling little pieces to early. Actually, maybe I was early with all that buying steem on the way down last summer instead of when it bottomed....LOL.

:)) oh boy. selling early is the worst!!

Crypto is a relatively new and for the most part, undiscovered territory.
Not every settlement in the New Land (i.e. North America) became wealthy, some didn't even survive. But the potential exists and there are enough people who have felt trapped for a very long time who are searching for another way. Steem may not be the one, but it's a start.

loved this comment and very astute. what will go on to be NY..remains to be seeeeen!
thanks for stopping by!!

Thank you for posting good content.

Since I joined Steemit there hasn’t been a day where I wouldn’t think “gosh I’m late”. At the same time rationality tells me that it will take decades before Blockchain technology makes it into the “real world” if you know what I mean. Maybe not Bitcoin, maybe not Steem, but I feel like cryptocurrency is going to be the future because of the fact that it’s so tightly connected to the Blockchain. One is never too late until it becomes real mainstream because that’s when the possession of “future Bitcoin” will have the biggest impact. And we still have plenty of time to get there, before that time hits.

i think this is probably the best approach and attitude. we like to think it will happen all of a sudden but in truth, it might take like 10 years +

Someone has been thinking!!


We got a thinker!!!

One thing that is overlooked is that the value of STEEM is not tied up in the value of the website. Think of all the side-ventures Facebook is involved in, for example. STEEM could create a separate chat app, or its own version of instagram, or youtube, or on demand video streaming service, or really anything ... and carry over the same building blocks and currency.

As with any investment, you are taking a real chance. BTC has been one of the most volatile investments lately, but as one reply stated, we are really still in the infancy of cryptos. I'm 36 and heard about them maybe 2 or three years ago, and I'm a techno-phobe. up until last year I still had the original I-phone. I'm not savvy with modern tech and cryptos, but I saw the trend and dipped my toes in the water. the younger guys I work with and I talk about cryptos, mostly Bitcoin, almost every day. The early 20's know all about it. weather they trust it or not, that's a different story, but experience in how absolutely fucked the fiat currency system is comes with time, and I believe there will be a day when they realize that they had better get in now. I'll be ahead of the game. Bitcoin, steem, etherium (which I don't own) these are here, and they aren't going away. By the time these become "mainstream" it will be too late to get in ahead of everybody else.

Great article, thanks for the numbers, they really help sort this shit out for us lay-men.

You make a great point, the new generation is not technophobic and will be a lot more willing to embrace this crypto-future. That's actually even more reason to believe in my eyes
Thanks for the post, I hope your investments pay off!

Thanks for the great post!

resteem and upvote for your post....

To be honest i thought bitcoin was expensive when it was at $800 and still bought it.....but id gladly pay that for it now!!

wooow. that was quite the risk :) congratulations. hodl!!

4 billion market cap in a year, in this environment, it's a bit of a moon shot, but totally possible! There WILL be a cooling off/crash phase at some point, followed by some sideways action, but then it'll pick up again.

not that i don't agree, bt based on what?

Which part, Steem market cap, or correction?

both :D

As far as the market cap, there were some posts on new user signups and they are going up tremendously and I'm starting to see alot of videos on youtube talking about steem, and some are BIG players on youtube and they are bringing all their followers over. Steem is nice because it has the network effect going for it, big time.

Correction, just because I'm a bit of a pessimist, always have been, and that saying "if it's too good to be true, it probably is". That's why i say "minor corrections" along the way. I think any investor would tell you that continuous parabolic climbs is not great for price discovery.

Hope this clears it up!

Depends on how Steem will evolve in the future. Maybe Reddit or Facebook will add their own crypto in the future, who knows or Steem will just rek them all.

I think they could do that easily but that doesn't mean they will :D

Crypto-era is in fetus phase. And i'm into Bitcoin since 2013. It's just a first phase of "drilling" a mine hole. We are to yet to see the great things in this new history we are creating and being part of. Upvote & follow!

Thank you for the nice read :)

Nice.. I read it!!