Hello, everybody!
Today, I have a fun post for you all.
I figured that for those of us who create content here, even though it's not a JOB[ it's a pleasure! ] we still might need a card to share with non-believers, rivals and acquaintances! It's an older idea of mine that I think need re-hashing. So I took out from the old box my cards. They are shinyyyyyy
It must look COOL.
It must have a nice-sounding job description.
It must be simple but impactful.
Here's what I came up with :)

Oh, hey!!
What do you think?
Let's see some other variations:
For my friend, @meesterboom, who's talents are hard to be captured in a job description...

How bout one for a badass. Maybe some whale?!
And it could be anything and everything!
YOU chose your job description/title/whatever.
On Steemit, you can be whoever you always wanted to be :)
What can you do with a card?
PRINT IT and share it in real world!
Put it in your profile as a signature
Use it a screensaver :)
Whatever you want. If you like this particular design and want one with your name, leave a comment with the name + job description and we'll make it happen.
blockchain comic artist evolving consciousness@mynameisbrian
I like it! I'm gonna start small by printing 10,000
brilliant. I'll send it over by Monday :))
you might like this
Please re-steem if you do.
Haha, you ar entirely right... My talents are hard to capture in a short job description!!!
But BY GOD, I tried! To come short was a sure thing but alas, I am a man that goes for the impossible and comes back with the improbable!
Haha, yes. Of that you most certainly are!!!
This is great! Awesome initiative!
Brb making myself a signature thats cool like this too :D
Sweet man! Brainstorming a name for myself now....argh, writer's block. I'll come up with something!
I like this idea. Thank you @razvanelulmarin!
a little fun, I did this card looong time ago but now I wanted to change a few stuff and add new job descriptions :D
blockchain social media content slayer@ats-david
What an excellent idea!... true this is must have to show people who are unaware of blockchain and steemit.
impress with coolness!
dazzle with content!!
Makes me think that Individual SNAP-code like Steemit barcodes could be a cool addition for each user.
Filling the role of digital business card - You could set your barcode as your phone screensaver, then whenever you meet interested people, they scan it and are taken to your profile/blog page.
wow. that's cool!!! where do we get the snap code?!
Or just make one on a website like this -
& use as your screen saver
good idea:)
I can't tell you how often I've wished I had a Steemit business card... I think in general more print materials are needed to hand out to people. Has anyone created a file repository for such things? Anyway... this is great! I'll have to think some more on a short descriptive line.
Awesome project! I'll try this out in a future post footer!
I smiled when I read your post. For some reason it reminded me of the classic "Business Card Scene" from American Psycho:
That's like a name tag on you all the time saying "I am human"
Nice idea Raz! I'll have to think of an appropriate job title :-)
if someone can come up with a clever title.....it's you! :D
Hey raz, what a great idea. Can you please send me one with my username @freedomexists with the job title 'aspiring film and television scriptwriter', thank you
Cool idea @razvanelulmarin!