1.23 FBI Secret Society + Mueller Interviews Sessions + #QAnon Breaking News (FREE BTC AT END)

in #steemit7 years ago

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NASA cut video feet when UFO comes into frame (again):

Pedophile Gym Teacher Strips Naked During Recess? What the fucks wrong with people?

Trump Targets Foreign Imports With Tariffs For Solar Panels/Washing Machines (why so limited? why against Solar? appeasing to the oil and gas industry/lobby?)

Apple's "CIA in your Home" HomePod will be released soon featuring 6 high definition CIA microphones to guarantee that your home is 100% bugged by the CIA, Mossad, ISI, China, and many other foriegn intelligence actors.

Elon Musk To Earn $55B In Tesla?

Poland Arrests After NeoNazis Exposed

Chemtrails/Geoengineering Wreak Havoc On Plants/Animals Too:

Sen. Feinstein, Rep. Schiff urge Facebook and Twitter to investigate involvement of Russian bots in pushing "Release the Memo" campaign


Anonymous 4Chan Post About Upcoming Indictments? Any authenticity? Breadcrumbs? Disinfo?

Fake News MSM controlling the narrative by gaslighting and shadow banning the American people on the missing FBI Text Message scandal that members of congress are saying is thousands of times larger than Watergate!

Interesting #Qanon post about 1775 flag in Trump's Oval Office and the Shot Heard Around The World comment by Q.

FBI Director Wray Threatens Resignation Over McCabe Firing From Trump/Sessions Agenda? Fake News or Judas?

Twitter COO Resigns (takes over as CEO at Sofi (offer financial loan products))

Fake News CNN claiming deranged Trump supporter wants to kill CNN hosts over fake news.

$21T missing from DoD Military? Say It Isn't So!

Searching on Twitter for #SecretSociety pulls up a suicide prevention hotline, yet pulling up #SuicidePrevention returns no such "prepared search response." Why is Twitter censoring #SecretSociety with this disinformation distraction?

Rod Rosenstein Talks Sex Trafficking:

Fake News Washington Post Jeff Bezos Amazon Slave Labor Anti-Human Agenda reports that Jeff Sessions will actually bring the hammer down against the "FBI Secret Society" - aka the Illuminati who rigged the election for Clinton and tried to plan Trump's assassination (according to QAnon):

UK Apparently Trying To Go After Assange And Not Recognize Diplomatic Immunity Status:

AirForce Confident In SpaceX and Zuma Mission Success (Fake News About Mission Failure):

VP Pence: Palestinians Need To Be Brought Back To The Table For Talks On Jerusalem

Trump Tweets Written By Kelly:
WHY? ~~~ embed:955664978413019136 twitter metadata:SmFja1Bvc29iaWVjfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0phY2tQb3NvYmllYy9zdGF0dXMvOTU1NjY0OTc4NDEzMDE5MTM2fA== ~~~
Kelly Post? ~~~ embed:955806333667807232 twitter metadata:cmVhbERvbmFsZFRydW1wfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL3JlYWxEb25hbGRUcnVtcC9zdGF0dXMvOTU1ODA2MzMzNjY3ODA3MjMyfA== ~~~

Conspiracy Theorist Proven Right:

#Qanon meme with important insight into the future and what is to come!

Alleged Leaked FISA Memo From InfoWars On DNI.gov

Pedophilia at the Vatican:

CIA Director Pompeo Speaks To American Enterprise Institute:


  • bio notes: congressman, bengazhi committee, west point graduate, harvard law review
  • 1 year anniversary
  • year in review from cia position
  • cia steals secrets aggressively and is open about it (4:30)
  • 40% previous director decisions now 0% under pomeo - he sat back by choice because he thinks he doesnt add value and just slows things down - empower the people who work for them
  • continued lied about assad using chemical weapons - trump was skeptical and demanded answers from 100s of agents - delivered 3 basic facts - he lied in my opinion
  • pompeo wants peoples trust, but we dont trust the cia
  • behave like movies, power will be taken away
  • "we respect the rule of law dearly" - har har har yeah... i see that is apparent
  • 2018 intro -> remarkable things -> working to solve problems elsewhere -> counterterrorism fight -> 14m -> "we've been whistling past the problems for decades - and when i say decades, i mean republican presidents and democrat presidents" (14:30) some "things" need to be taken off the table to reduce the risk (what things are on the table? what risk? human trafficking?)
  • what kind of consumer of intel is trump? pompeo says "quality material", briefing isnt every day, turks moved south out of syria?, upcoming trip info for devos, empty space for classified information, etc. president asks hard questions, deeply engaged (17:10)
  • 19m - president was very concerned about the humanitarian issues in yemen and ordered the cia to give him the truth (after stonewalling him) about what REALLY was going on in yemen - pushed for a "couple three days" (aka 6-9 days?)
  • trump pushed back on cia to get more info into venezuela to find out where the bad actors debts were, etc. 19:45
  • is he sophisticated? pompeo says hes a recipient at the same level as the highest levels of intelligence in the briefing - he has the grounding to understand sophisticated discussions - he brings things up weeks and months ago that connect to new intel, he is very very smart
  • since signals intel has been weakened will human intel increase? yes under pompeo it will
  • pompeo says the kim jung un is a RATIONAL ACTOR - cia thinks he is
  • pompeo is saying that kim jung un is essentially getting lied to because his intel is wrong about what the americans care about with respect to NK (pre Trump? or post Trump?)
  • "trump is committed to resolving NK through diplomatic means"
  • pompeo is outting traitors within the government to the justice department to face prosecution
  • groups like al-qaeda and wikileaks represent real threats to the united states - go into this...
  • transnational organized crime -> pompeo going after financial network? -> jointly working with treasuring (mnunchin) to take down the financial networks of organized crime #FollowTheMoney - half a dozen of countries in the world where they know where individual cartels have taken billions of dollars worth of assets from the people and the us is working to return those assets to the people and take down those cartels (trump EO) 49m
  • when pompeo came into cia - insufficient focus on the problem set
  • only 280 views on the video, sad

Sessions/Comey Interviewed By Mueller Team - Trump Not Worried (Video)


Comey Chief of Staff Resigns:

Deep State Claiming (((again))) that Syria used Chemical Weapons And We Need To Go After Russia Now:

Canada Opts In For TPP

Illegal Mexican Immigrant + Uber Driver Rapes 4 Women Who Hired Uber For Transport:

Fake News Cognitive Dissonance About Immigration Status Of Rapist:

Buzz Aldrin + Neil Armstrong's Relationship

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Great show Michael. Thanks for the KuCoin tip. I have an account, but never knew about the free BTC!
Also this Russian bot narrative is really getting annoying. Notice the non descriptive designation... "Russian influenced" That's a very wide lane. I can't wait til it all burns down around them!

Another awesome show. I'll check out KuCoin, crypto is promising, but I'll still be investing in precious metals just in case the SHTF.

Loving your work, young Master Trimm! Keep plugging away. All the very best from Scotland. :)

Thank you for getting me to come back on to D Tube! I made an account back in December but I didn't understand how to log in and all - but since you have been posting here first - I decided to move over and subscribe! Thank you for all your work!! I appreciate all the HONEST news :)


Great work Sir.

"Deep State has gotta deep state" LOL. . . precision commentary, Michael.